Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition # 11

Co-Curriculum News:

Written by
Shannon Staub
Head of Co-curriculum

JACSA Girls’ Sports Carnival 2024:

Loyola College proudly hosted the annual JACSA Girls’ Sports Carnival from July 1 – July 3, last held at the College in 2019.

Staff and students welcomed Saint Ignatius’ College, Adelaide for the event, run here at the College. Twenty of our most committed and talented senior students participated in the Carnival which saw the two schools compete in soccer, Australian Rules Football, netball, and volleyball. Our female students displayed a wide array of sports prowess, and although the shield was retained by Saint Ignatius’ College, each match was fiercely contested.

Students from both schools were fortunate to hear from Loyola Alumni Trinity Mills at the formal dinner. Trinity spoke of the importance of sport in her life, the lessons that sport can teach and her journey to becoming an elite level footballer.

Thank you to Mia Daly, Brodie Car and Bianca Marasco for their participation in the Carnival. A special mention also to Alex Martinelli for providing healthy and delicious food throughout the carnival, and Chris Doumbalis, our expert and enthusiastic bus driver who ensured that everyone arrived on time. What a great team!

Semester 2 Co-curriculum Timetable:

Loyola College makes available to students a wide range of activities beyond the formal hours and courses of study. The College’s Co-Curriculum Program is a significant part of an education at Loyola, as an Ignatian school focusing on the education of the whole person, also known as Cura Personalis.

Each activity falls into one of five areas – Service and Spirituality, Clubs and Societies, Performing Arts, Public Speaking and Debating, or Sports and Outdoor Activities. All activities are staffed by members of teaching staff and occasionally support staff, all of whom realise that a breadth of education is important to encourage curiosity, involvement and a lifelong love of learning. There is much research to show that involvement in a wide range of co-curriculum activities fosters friendship-making and leadership capacity, so the College highly encourages participation.

Below, I am pleased to share with you the Semester 2 co-curriculum calendar. The calendar outlines when, and where activities run across the College, and who they may contact to find out more. I would like to encourage all students to step up this semester and try a new co-curriculum activity– you never quite know where it will lead you!

Semester 2 Co-curriculum Timetable