Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #7

Ignatian Mission and Identity

Written by
Adam Calderone
Deputy Principal, Ignatian Mission and Identity

Celebrating Mother’s Day: Reflecting on the Bond Between Jesus and Mary

As we approach Mother’s Day, a time dedicated to honouring maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society, it is a poignant moment to reflect on one of the most celebrated maternal relationships in history: that between Jesus Christ and His mother, Mary. This relationship not only provides a profound example of a mother’s love and sacrifice, but also offers valuable insights into the spiritual and emotional dimensions of motherhood.

Mary, often called the Blessed Virgin, holds a unique and revered position in Christian theology. Chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus, Mary’s role was pivotal not just in the nativity story but throughout the life and ministry of Jesus. Her acceptance of her divine calling ("Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word," Luke 1:38) exemplifies deep faith and obedience to God's will, traits that every believer is encouraged to emulate.

The Gospels provide glimpses into Mary's enduring influence and support in Jesus’ life. From the moment of the Annunciation, through the miraculous birth in Bethlehem, and into His childhood and adult ministry, Mary was a constant figure. Notably, at the wedding at Cana, Mary prompts Jesus’ first miracle, subtly indicating her role in supporting her son’s mission (John 2:1-11). This interaction underscores the unique bond between them, highlighting how a mother’s intuition and encouragement can lead to significant moments in a child’s life.

This Mother’s Day, as we reflect on Mary’s life, we are reminded of the many sacrifices that mothers make for the wellbeing and success of their children. Mary’s story encourages us to appreciate and honour the strength, courage, and unconditional love that mothers exhibit daily. Whether navigating the challenges of daily caregiving or supporting significant life transitions, mothers play an irreplaceable role in shaping the lives of their children.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us draw inspiration from the life of Mary and recognise the sacred role of mothers everywhere. Let their examples of love, patience, and resilience inspire us to show gratitude and love for all that mothers do. Whether through a heartfelt note, a thoughtful gift, or a simple act of kindness, let us use this day to express our appreciation for the mothers in our lives, acknowledging their profound impact on our personal and spiritual journeys.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers in our community!

Ignatian 2024: Edition #7 Happy Mother's Day image

Year 9 Reflection Day – Tuesday 28 May

A reminder to Year 9 students and their families that the Reflection Day for the Year 9 cohort will occur on Tuesday 28 May. This is a compulsory school day for all Year 9 students. The day will be facilitated by Real Talk Australia. Real Talk provides relationships education. Based on Catholic Christian values, and incorporating personal sharing from our team of presenters, they provide up-to-date resources, presentations, and programs on these important topics.
More information will follow in a parent Consent2Go notification prior to the day.

Year Level Masses

This week, we have commenced our Year Level Masses for this year, as we welcomed Father Anthony Girolami from St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park, who celebrated the Eucharist with half of our Year 11 cohort, and Father John O’Connor from Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury, who celebrated with half of our Year 10 student cohort. Each student will have a mass like this with their peers throughout the year. The Year 12 students have already had their masses on the Retreat during Activities Week, celebrated by Father Gerry Healy SJ. These masses are a more intimate way for our students to proudly live our Catholic identity as well as being an opportunity to communicate with God through prayer and the sacrament of communion. We sincerely thank all of our parish priests for their support of our liturgical program and in celebrating these masses with our students.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #7 Year Level Masses