Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #10

Ignatian Mission and Identity

Written by
Adam Calderone
Deputy Principal, Ignatian Mission and Identity

The Long Walk Home

On Thursday 6 June, Loyola was proud to be able to host The Long Walk Home, in conjunction with three of our local feeder parish schools - St Martin of Tours, Rosanna; St Mary’s, Greensborough; and St Damian’s, Bundoora - as well as Fire Carrier representatives and staff from Parade College.

The day began with our Year 11 VCE VM students walking with the Year 6 students from the primary schools to Loyola, waving placards to promote reconciliation in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. Following a smoking ceremony performed by the granddaughter of local elder Ian Hunter, students were treated to a talk from renowned ex-AFL player and Indigenous advocate Eddie Betts. Eddie spoke of his struggles with racism encountered throughout his life and spoke about how we could come together as a community to overcome injustice.

The day concluded with a barbecue lunch for our visitors that was prepared by our Year 12 VCE VM students and College chef Mr Alex Marinelli. I thank all students and staff involved in the successful running of this event and we look forward again to next year with great anticipation.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #10 Ignatian Mission & Identity Eddie Betts

Visits to Islamic Museum and Jewish Holocaust Museum

Last week, our Year 8 cohort visited the Islamic Museum as part of their study in Religious Education around Sacraments and Rites of Initiation in Catholic and World Religions. Students were immersed in the Islamic religious traditions and culture, whilst having an appreciation that Jesus and his mother Mary are revered figures in the Quran. Students were also able to make connections between the Catholic/Christian and Islamic faiths so as to deepen understanding and respect for other traditions.

Our Year 11 Faith, Texts and Action class attended the recently renovated Jewish Holocaust Museum as part of their studies on the Holocaust and WWII. There was an opportunity to look at artefacts, see the new museum and hear from a survivor of Auschwitz and the Holocaust, Guta Goldstein. Her powerful message of triumph over tragedy resonated with our students, and her take home message that peace and love overcome hate and violence provided our students with a lot to reflect upon when returning to class this week.