Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #10

Languages Update

Written by
Jason Van Leest
Head of Digital Learning

What an eventful semester we have had for languages so far!

Emily Nissan (CLCR10) reflected on her experiences in Year 10 Italian:

In the two Year 10 Italian classes, the students are studying Italian Immigration to Australia after the second World War. We have been learning about how the Italians lived in Australia, about their different jobs and the culture they brought to this country. 

With this, the classes made a traditional Abruzzo waffle cookie called Pizzelle. We had to translate a recipe into both English and Italian with only the help of a video in Italian. We also had the chance to drink traditional Italian coffee brewed in a moka pot, either straight, or with milk and sugar. Afterward, we had to write about the process in Italian using the past tense. It was a nice change of pace from the traditional learning in the classroom and we all got to try something new and delicious, with the added benefit of it being from our hard work.

Pak Raymond Setiawan had some exciting news for our Indonesian students:

The Sayembara Lisan is a Statewide Indonesian language speaking competition that is open for students starting from Year 1 to Year 11. Students come from various schools from whole Victoria.

This year, Loyola made another record. We send 37 students ranging from Year 7-11 and this is the highest number of students participating in this event for Loyola College in the last 10 years.

Out of the 37 students, 25 of them went to the Final round. This is also the highest number ever for Loyola to put so many students in the Final round. The Final round will be held on 27 July 2024 and the Award Night will be held at the University of Melbourne in August. Congratulations to all those who took part!

Ms Stefanie Kummerle has been instrumental in supporting our French students in their competition efforts:

Year 9 French CLIL students recently participated in the annual Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition run by the Alliance Francaise de Melbourne. French students from schools all over Victoria compete from the ages of Grade 6-10. This year's theme was The Olympic Games/Les Jeux Olympiques. Students worked tirelessly through Term 1 and into Term 2, both in class and at home, to learn a wonderful poem called 'Life is like a game of soccer'/ 'La vie c'est comme un match de foot'.

They learnt this poem off by heart and presented their poems to an assessor.

We are all so proud of our students and their achievements on the day. We would like to especially congratulate KAI COPPOLINO (AAAM9) who has been selected as a FINALIST! What an incredible feat to be in the top selection of students across the state. Kai will be presenting his poem again to a panel of judges on Sunday 28th of July over ZOOM.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #10 Languages Kai Coppolino

Kiera Sanchez (XJBE12) and her “kitchen-mates” took part in Le Meilleur Patissier:

On Wednesday 1st May, we were given the opportunity by the French faculty to immerse ourselves in French gastronomy. It was particularly helpful as we could practice our French with a native speaker. In addition, Gastronomy is the unit topic we have been focusing on, so it was helpful to practice our French comprehension skills. 

We began our 2-hour session by reading through the Chouquette recipe in French. Although it was difficult, Arnaud, our French patisserie expert, assisted us by hinting towards what certain words meant or by demonstrating their actions. 

Prior to our baking session on Wednesday, the Year 12 French class was asked to research a French patisserie and recreate it so it could be judged by Arnaud. We had many wonderful desserts on display such as Madeleines, a Fraisier cake, Mille Feuille and more. The students were judged by their French speaking skills, their homemade dessert and their chouquettes made on the day. Overall, it was a great experience to learn about French culture that will also help us with our studies in the year.


We congratulate all of our Languages students in their efforts so far in 2024.