Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #10

Teaching and Learning

Written by
Kathryn Wilson
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

Semester One Examinations

Following a review of the 2023 examination processes and procedures, it was agreed that Semester One examinations will only involve Years 9 and 10.

Dates for Year 9 and 10 examinations:
• Year 10 Exams: 19 - 27 June
• Year 9 Exams: 25 - 27 June
Further details will be sent home via a letter to parents, but a summary of the arrangements and expectations can be found below:

Year 9:

• Students who have a study session during Period 1 must attend Mentor
• Students who have an examination that begins at 8:40am must arrive at the examination venue by 8:25am
• Students will be dismissed at the end of the day. As part of the examination timetable, Year 9 students will attend supervised study sessions and are not permitted to leave campus during this time.

Year 10:
• Students are not required to attend Mentor sessions during the examination period
• Students are not required to be on school site if they do not have a scheduled exam.

VCE Unit 1:
SACs: In the event of a SAC clashing with an examination, due to the potential absence from Unit 1 lessons, the examination takes priority. Students are expected to attend their examination and see DJD to reschedule their SAC.
Unit 1 classes during the examination period: whilst not compulsory, it is highly recommended that students undertaking a Unit 1 subject attend their classes where possible. If an examination clashes with a Unit 1 lesson, the examination takes priority.

Attendance: Absent students are required to have a medical certificate. They are expected to apply for rescheduling of these examinations as soon as they return to school through Mr Denton (Year 10) and Ms Wilson (Year 9). Students who fail to attend an exam and cannot show a medical certificate will receive 0%. This includes students on holiday.

Dress Code: All students must attend examinations in full school winter uniform (including wearing the school blazer)

Mobile Phones: Mobile phones and/or smart devices are not permitted in an exam room. If a student has a mobile phone or electronic digital device on their person in the exam, it will be removed from the student, and a 0% recorded.

Term 3 Upcoming Events
Term 3 will be an extremely busy term, including:
• Two sets of reports: end of Semester 1 and middle of Semester 2
• One Parent Teacher Interview
Subject Selection 2025

In order to prepare you for the anticipated busyness, please find a summary below:

• End of Semester Reports will be available to parents / carers through the portal from 29 July.
• Mid Semester Reports will be available to parents / carers through the portal towards the end of Term 3.

Parent Teacher Interview:
A reminder that our Parent Teacher Interview will take place on 17 & 18 August.

Subject Selection 2025:
The Subject Selection Process begins in Term 3, week 4. This will be an extremely busy time of the year for all students, staff and parents, including Year Level Assemblies, a Senior Subject Selection Evening and Web Preferences becoming available.

Please find a summary of the main events:
Student Assemblies: Week 4
Senior Subject Selection Evening: 13 August 6pm – 8pm: This year, the evening will take on a slightly different feel compared to previous years
o It will be face to face and will take place in the MPAC
o Universities will be available in the foyer for students to meet and discuss future pathways
o VTAC presentation will be available to parents and students
o Subject Selection Information will be presented for parents and students in Years 9-11
• Web Preferences open: evening of 13 August.

Subject Selection Conversations: During the Subject Selection Process, all current Year 9 and 10 students will meet with a member of the Learning Pathways Team. Students are provided with a copy of their career plan and are strongly encouraged to discuss their Learning Pathways conversation with you.

Application for Accelerated Subjects in 2025
In Term Three our Year 9 and 10 students will be considering their Year 10 and Year 11 subjects for next year. Please find details below:

Current Year 9:
A number of students may wish to complete a Unit 1/2 Subject (Year 11 subject) in 2025.

Acceleration requires demonstrated and consistent high academic achievement and an ability to take on the demands of an accelerated subject. Therefore, a student will need to be committed to their studies, be well organised and able to meet deadlines. English will be one of the subjects in which the student needs to demonstrate a consistently high level of academic ability.

Stages of the Acceleration Process:
1. Letter of invite from the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning to those students who meet the desired criteria of 5As (5 x 80%) (one of which has to be English) (75% for Enhanced / CLIL students)
2. Completion of Application Form
3. Completion of Acceleration Test
4. Invitation for a brief interview by the relevant Head of Learning
5. Students and parents informed of the outcome by Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning.

Students have been informed of this process at the beginning of the year.

Vocational Process in 2024: Pre-V (Year 10) and VCE VM (Year 11)
As students consider their future pathways, they may feel that a vocational curriculum (Pre-V and VCE VM) is more suited to their needs. That may be in terms of the curriculum areas offered or simply that a vocational approach best suits their learning needs. Please find below brief outline of the two Programs.

Current Year 9 - Pre-V:
The Pre-V Program at Loyola is designed to provide students with valuable exposure and practical experience in various vocational fields. It aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to make informed career choices and excel in their chosen fields.

Current Year 10 - VCE VM:
Students already enrolled on the current Pre-V course will automatically continue their vocational studies into Year 11 and Year 12. There is the opportunity, however for students in Year 10 to join the VCE VM Program in 2025.

Student enrolment for both Vocational Programs is by invitation only and recommendations are made following careful consideration and review of the academic record, skills and interests of the students, alongside conversations with staff. For those students who do not receive a letter of invite, parents / guardians are welcome to contact Mr Langford (Head of VCE VM) or Miss Wilson if they feel a vocational program will suit the learning needs of their child.