Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #5

ICT News

Written by
Victor Dalla-Vecchia
ICT Manager

Bringing your lost data Back to the Future

Sunday March 31 is World Backup Day (https://www.worldbackupday.com...). It is an opportunity to ask yourself whether you are doing enough to protect your data – school, personal, or business.

Backing up your data makes it faster and easier to restore your files if they become lost, stolen or compromised. So, to ensure your documents are secure it is vital to maintain a current backup.

Loyola College provides 1 Tb worth of OneDrive backup space for each student. But what about your home computers or phones?

The ACSC (https://www.cyber.gov.au/) has developed their ACSC Backup Quiz to test yourself on your knowledge about backups. You can also view their learning resources to understand how to back up your files and protect yourself from data theft or ransomware.

If you want to be able to restore lost data from your Backup in the Future, you need to be regularly backing it up now!

Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Back to the future ICT News