Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #9

Student Voice

Written by
Loyola College Committee

Xavier House

This year has been a sensational beginning to Xavier House’s many successes. So far, we have had an amazing amount of participation from all students and continue to strive for future achievements within our house.

We started Term One with the Summer Reading Challenge as we recorded the highest books read at 108! What an amazing way to start off the year placing 1st! 

Our Swimming Carnival saw Xavier House place 1st and we could not be prouder! We thank the efforts of every single person who helped us to get that win, as it was so rewarding to see the smiles on all the kids' and teachers' faces. Win or lose, we couldn’t be happier with all the students getting involved and having fun.

We also had House Eisteddfod during Term One, where we placed 4th. With the countless rehearsals, meetings, and the senior students helping us, we definitely created a performance for students to shine on the stage, smile and have fun.

During Term Two, Xavier House shone on, placing 1st at Athletics for the first time in history! The participation was amazing as so many students got on the track to eventually get us yet another win. We were astounded by everyone who got involved. We couldn’t be prouder of our house in these first two terms and are incredibly grateful for all the efforts put in. 

A big thank you goes to our Head of House, Mr. Sean Simpson! We are so eternally grateful for his enthusiasm towards Xavier House’s triumphs, and his continued support to each and every student's education at Loyola College. Thank you for sharing such incredible achievements with us and actively participating in making Xavier House a community for all!

We cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds for Xavier and in any situation, we just want everyone to give it their best efforts and try our hardest.

Go Xavier!

Student of the Fortnight

We would like to award student of the fortnight to Year 10 student Lucia Calderone (10XEJS) who has been an outstanding
participant for both Loyola College and Xavier House throughout this year. In House Swimming, Lucia finished 1st place in the
50m Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke, and was an important part of our relay teams as well. Not only has she gone
above and beyond, but still continues to triumph off the track and in the classroom. Lucia is also a representative for the ACS
sports in which she has competed throughout this year. In House Athletics, Lucia took part in the triple jump where she
finished 1st, as well as finishing 2nd in long jump, 100m, 400m, and 800m. What a super star! We still remain astounded by the
skill and craft she has displayed during Terms One and Two. Her determination and willingness to help others does not go
unnoticed. We are so proud of her and hope other students in Xavier House will be inspired by her achievements

Olivia Di Girolamo (12XJAR) & Jessica Bryson (12XAKW)

Xavier House Captains