Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Editon #4

Community Engagement

Written by
Monica Agius
College & Community Engagement Assistant

Presentation Ball Information Night – Monday March 25

A Parent and Student information night will be held on Monday March 25 at 7.00 pm in the Theatrette (LCH) for Year 11 students who would like to express an interest in participating in the 2024 Presentation Balls. The Presentation Balls will be held at Melrose Events, Tullamarine.

All students participating in the Balls, must be present Year 11 Loyola Students. Males can ask a female, a female can ask a male, a male can ask a male and a female can ask a female.

There will be nine rehearsals which take place on a Sunday evening in LCH from 6.30pm.

Interested students and the parents are required to attend this evening. Please register at https://events.humanitix.com/l...

If you do not have a partner at this stage, please feel very welcome to attend the Information Session.

An email will be sent for you to register your expression of interest.

2024 House Masses
The final House Mass for 2024 will be held this Sunday 17 March for Xavier House. Please see details below. We welcome your attendance to this annual House Mass where Year 7 and Year 12 students will be presented to the Parish community.
                 Xavier House: Our Lady of the Way - Sunday, 17th March 9 am

Thank you to the parents/guardians and students who attended the House Masses and supported our Parishes during February; and thank you to Heads of House and House Parents from the PWP who kindly organised the morning teas after each Mass.

Morning Tours 2024
Morning Tours for 2024 take place from 9.15am – 11.00am. Our next Morning Tour will take place on Wednesday 20 March. Tours can be booked by visiting the College website at https://www.loyola.vic.edu.au/

Loyola College 2024 Tour Dates

Uniform Donations
We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of families through donations of quality uniform items. Our second-hand uniform is utilised by families and overseas students who visit Loyola on short term programs. Donations of blazers, summer dresses and new sport uniform which would be greatly appreciated.

Upcoming Events
May is shaping up to be a very busy month in the Loyola calendar. Parents are encouraged to take note of ticket sale openings and secure their place at https://www.loyola.vic.edu.au/...

Ignatian 2024: Edition #4 Canapes with Class 2024

Tickets on sale Monday 15 April at 7pm

Loyola College Mother & Son Breakfast 2024

Tickets on sale Monday 15 April at 7pm