Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition # 11

From the Principal

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

If New York is the city that never sleeps, then, most certainly, Loyola is the school that never sleeps.

Over the most recent holiday break, there was a flurry of activity on campus, demonstrating that Loyola is far more than just a school. It is a community that encourages individual effort and responsibility and provides opportunities for individuals to work together to achieve common goals, building connectedness and belonging.

JACSA Interschool Sports Carnival

During the school holidays, twenty of our best female athletes competed against students from St Ignatius College, Athelstone, Adelaide in the annual JACSA Interschool Sports Carnival. The carnival involved netball, football, volleyball, and soccer. Parents were encouraged to come along and show their support at the matches. We were pleased with the way the girls worked together as a team and represented the College proudly. The competition was another opportunity to connect and build relationship with those in our JACSA network.

Timor Leste

Mia Russell (11CTJM) and Riley Pawloff (11CTJM) represented Loyola College on the recent JEA/JACSA Immersion to Timor Leste during the recent term holiday break. Mia and Riley joined other students from our JACSA schools, visiting Dili, Railaco and Colégio Santo Inácio de Loiola in Kasait. Over many years, Loyola College has generated funds to support this school which is now running and functioning as an excellent secondary college.

JACSA Debating Carnival

Mr Jeremy Martino and Ms Tristen Brudy accompanied five of our best debaters to St Ignatius College, Adelaide to take part in a Debating Carnival during the holidays. While we did not take out the shield, our students learnt a lot from the exceptional standard of debating of some of our other JACSA schools.

Community Service

Also over the recent break, our Youth Ministry students were out in the community as part of their annual outreach program. The students enjoyed a luncheon and some activities with senior residents at Sacred Heart Parish in Diamond Creek. The students were accompanied by Mr John Tran and Ms Liz Gartland’

Maths Magis

We challenge our students to strive for the Magis in everything they do. Magis is the value of striving for the better, striving for excellence and this value embodies a spirit of giving and providing service to those in need and standing with the poor and marginalized. This spirit of giving was embodied by many of our Maths teachers who gave their time on both Wednesdays of the school holiday to run Maths Magis Club. It was great to see students attending and, with the support of staff, working hard to establish a deeper understanding of their Mathematics. We are very fortunate to have such generosity in our teachers.

Annual Musical Production

The first week of Term Three saw the performance of our annual school musical. This year, the musical was Mamma Mia!. The performance was energetic, positive, uplifting, entertaining, an explosion of talent and a real testament to the strength of the Loyola Community. Parents, student and staff worked together to achieve amazing results.

Subject Selection

Term Three is the time where students chose the subjects they plan to study in 2025. There are many opportunities for students to explore what is offered at Loyola College. As a new initiative in 2024, we are excited to launch our Online Course Guide in the coming weeks, which gives a clear overview of the curriculum at each year level, subjects offered and instructions on how to submit subject preferences.

Not only is this online resource an attempt to be more sustainable (care for our common home), but it is also very easy to navigate and will provide staff, students and parents information to help make informed choices.

Thank you to Kathryn Wilson (Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning) and Katie Freeman (Teaching and Learning Assistant) for their work in this area.

Ignatian Ethos and Identity Review

Jesuit Education Australia (JEA) will facilitate an Ignatian Ethos and Identity review in the Loyola College community from 22 – 25 October 2024. This review will explore how we embed and live out Ignatian principles in our community.

ACS Night Football Match

A big thank-you to Jacqueline Wade (Head of Sport), Shannon Staub (Head of Co-Curriculum) and Lauren Hartigan (Director of Operations) who did the planning and preparation for the ACS Annual Night Football Match against Overnewton Anglican Community College under lights at Binnak Park on Wednesday 24 July.

Thanks also to our coaches: Garry Ramsey, Paul Bacash, Sam Philp (L: 14–19), Sarah Sansonetti (L:14–19) and Trinity Mills (L: 15–20). Special call out to our Senior Sport Coordinators, Bianca Marasco and Peter Ciavarella, and most of the HPE Faculty who gathered to offer their support and encouragement.

It was awe inspiring to see the huge number of people that arrived to support the players, staff, parents, students, and Alumni.

Last week, the strength of the community was evident through Mamma Mia!. This week, we see the strength of our community lived out through sport. While we did not win either match, the energy and enthusiasm of our players was palpable. They gave it everything they had. It just wasn’t our night.

"We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future."

Robert F. Kennedy.

St Ignatius Day Fundraising

Next week, Wednesday 31 July, we celebrate St Ignatius Day. In the lead up to this day, Loyola facilitates a major fundraising effort to generate funds for our House charities. An important part of who we are as a college is the way we foster the growth of young people who are men and women for others, who give and do not count the cost. In the final few days before our celebration, I encourage parents to speak to students about their fundraising efforts. Every student was asked to develop an account on the online fundraising platform, ‘Raisely’ during their Religious Education classes. Students simply need to send the link out to friends and family, who can then donate very easily.

We are very mindful of the financial pressures on families as the cost-of-living increases. In this instance, sharing the link means that donations can come from a wide variety of sources and that the pressure to donate does not lie solely with families.

Principal Appointment

Parents will now be aware of my appointment as Principal at Loyola College. I have been overwhelmed by the congratulatory messages and support. I am very grateful to be leading this amazing community and I look forward with great excitement to the next chapter for Loyola College.

In gratitude,

Alison Leutchford