Ignatian Newsletter:2024 - Edition #2

Principal's Report:

Written by
Alison Leutchford

The new school year has picked up pace and we have much to report on in this edition of The Ignatian.

Opening School Mass

On Tuesday, 13 February, Father Anthony Girolami and Father Gerry Healy celebrated our Opening School Mass. In a Catholic school, the liturgy is a significant way to mark the commencement of the school year. At the Mass, we ask God’s blessing on the school community and remind students and staff or the identity and mission of the school.

I thank Mr Calderone for his leadership and organisation of a most beautiful liturgy.

College Assembly

We enjoyed the return of our 2023 VCE High Achievers at our College Assembly on Thursday, 8 February. Students listened attentively to a wonderful address by 2023 College Dux - Pio Abi Raad - in which he shared his appreciation of the support of family, teachers, and friends. At the assembly we acknowledged the students who achieved the top score in each Year 12 subject as well as those students who achieved an ATAR over 90.

Year 12 Breakfast

Parents, students, and staff enjoyed the annual Year 12 breakfast in the Old Loyola Courtyard on Tuesday, 6 February. It was a great opportunity to acknowledge the partnership of staff and parents in their support of students as they embark on their final year of schooling.

School Improvement Plan

After much consultation, Consult has prepared a four-year School Improvement Plan (2024 – 2027). The plan focuses on four key areas:

• To deliver a distinguishable enhancement of Catholic Identity at Loyola College.

• To ensure students are engaged, motivated, and committed to becoming lifelong and independent learners.

• To ensure all stakeholders understand and support expectations of students as learners and respectful members of the College Community.

• To build the capacity of all leaders, empowering them to enact the vision of the College.

Over the next four years we will engage with students, parents, staff, and the wider community to work towards these goals.

Keeping Students Safe

We are very concerned about student safety in the Grimshaw Street drop-off zone. Parents are reminded to drive as far down the drop-off zone as possible before stopping for students to get out of the vehicle. Many vehicles are backed onto Grimshaw Street as some parents are blocking the flow of traffic by stopping earlier. I ask for the cooperation of all in this matter as we all commit to keeping our students safe.

Parents are also encouraged to drop students off two blocks from the College and allow students to walk the remaining distance. This incidental exercise is good for mental health and would also alleviate our traffic challenges in both Grimshaw and Bungay Street.


We all want our students to perform well academically. The building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each day. If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school. There is no safe number of days for missing school. Each day a student is absent puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. We ask for parental support in ensuring students attend school regularly.

Medical Management Plan

Loyola College is under the governance of Melbourne Archdioceses Catholic Schools (MACS). MACS have introduced some new procedures around the management of medical conditions in our community. Correspondence regarding this matter was forwarded to parents earlier this week. It is also included later in this Ignatian. It is important parents are informed of the new expectations, particularly around the management of medications in our community.

Student Free Days

Earlier versions on the College electronic calendar published two student free days at the end of Term One. Please note that this has been amended and that Thursday 28 March (Holy Thursday) will be a Staff Spirituality Day and therefore a Student Free Day. However, all students will be required to attend school on Wednesday 27 March.

A reminder that Monday 11 March is the Labour Day public holiday and there will not be school on that day.

Coming Events

We wish all Houses well in the forthcoming House Swimming Carnival (Monday 19 February).

On Friday 23 February, I remind families that the Loyola College Alumni Association (LCAA) will be hosting the Car Show. It should be a fabulous evening, showcasing cars against the backdrop of our beautiful facilities. I look forward to seeing some of you there.