Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #6

Principal's Report

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

A very warm welcome back to school to our students and families. I hope that everyone is energised and ready for the commencement of Term Two. Term One was a very compact term, being only eight weeks long, and many activities were packed into a short period of time. Term Two is slightly longer and should give students time to really focus on their learning.

Principal Appointment

Included in this newsletter is a message from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools’ Regional General Manager, Marwin Austerberry, regarding the appointment of a principal for our College. When I last communicated with you about this, I emphasised that as a College, our focus remains firmly on our students’ ongoing education, growth, and emotional wellbeing. As we look to the future, a process to formally appoint a new principal will commence shortly. This will ensure the interests of our students and College continue to be served to the highest standard, and I look forward to continuing to serve as Acting Principal during this time.

Anzac Day
A reminder to parents that Thursday 25 April is Anzac Day, which is a public holiday. It is therefore a student free day.

Time in Lieu
Parents may be familiar with the new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement (CEMEA) 2022 which has now been fully implemented. The agreement requires teachers be given time in lieu for any activity that runs outside of the normal 38-hour week. Parents would be aware that many staff accompanied students on camps or retreats during Activities Week. These experiences are valued by students and are great opportunities for students to develop resilience and foster positive relationships with other students.
Teachers must now be given time in lieu for the hours outside their normal working day spent on camp. Friday 26 April is the day after Anzac Day. We have decided to make this a student free day, so that time in lieu can be granted to teachers for their work on camp.

Parent Teacher Interviews
After seeking feedback from parents, we have adopted a slightly different model for Parent- Teacher subject interviews. The interviews will take place Online on Wednesday 15 May and then face-to-face on Thursday 16 May. Teachers will then be granted Time in Lieu on Friday 17 May for working across the two evenings.

Australian’s Best Teachers
For the second year in a row News Corp is running Australia’s Best Teachers campaign to recognise inspirational and innovative teachers. The campaign will launch on Sunday 28 April and parents are invited to nominate teachers who they believe have had a significant impact on the lives of their children.

Nominations can be submitted by the link below:

Nominate Teacher

Magis Art Collection
On Tuesday 23 April, the College will hold the official opening of the inaugural Magis Art Collection. The collection is comprised of a series of student works, selected by the principal, that will be displayed in the Via Maxima for the duration of 2024.
I congratulate the following students for having work selected to be part of the exhibition:

Olivia Lawson-12XBAM
Claire Lawson-12XJAR
Laura Greig-8XJGA
Laily Aalders-8XEJS
Benjamin Stefanidis-11KJCU
Isabella Fazzari-11XMCU
Madelaine Dupes-12MMBM
Maya Kowalski-11XEJS
Alannah Tantiongo-11ASRK
Allie Wardle (alumni Peer Year 2023)
Sierra Filippone-11KSSD
Alessia Pipolo-12ASVS
Mackenzie Lavender-12FHPL