Ignatian Newsletter: 2024-Edition #8

Principal's Report

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

‘Canapes with Class’

On Thursday, 2 May, parents enjoyed a wonderful evening of finger food and refreshments at ‘Canapes with Class’. The finger food was prepared by our very own Year 12 VET Hospitality students and served by Year 11 VET Hospitality students. The spoils were absolutely delicious and beautifully presented, with the service highly professional. Whilst numbers were low, all aspects of the evening were of an exceptionally high standard. We are very proud of our VET Hospitality students and the staff that mentor them, Mrs Fiona Chapman, Ms Liz Gartland and Mr Alex Marinelli.

Open Day

Our annual Open Day took place on Sunday, 5 May. Online check-in data indicates a total of 247 families in attendance, which is slightly higher than the number of families in attendance in 2023 (235).

Loyola College continues to be a school of interest for many families both in the area and wider surrounds. Our campus grounds shone on the day, showcasing the facilities and many programs offered here at our school, however our best promotion by far was our Student Tour Guides who represent the college with pride and integrity. Several parents commended our students and the high standard of their tours.

I thank the parent representatives for the LPFA who provided a constant stream of free sausages for our guests. I also thank Mr Matthew Luczek, Director of College and Community Engagement, for his outstanding organisation and high level of professionalism.

Mother’s Day Breakfast

Our annual Mother’s Day Breakfast took place on Tuesday, 7 May. This year’s event was for Mothers and Sons and guests were treated to a wonderful presentation by Monique Grasso (2023 Jesuit Medallist) and Ben Grasso (2023 Loyola Medallist, L:18-23). Monique and Ben shared some of their challenges and advice on working and growing together as mother and son.

After the breakfast, Fr Gerry Healy SJ celebrated a most beautiful liturgy which was appreciated by all in attendance.

Parent Teacher Interviews

A big thank you to those parents who attended our recent Parent Teacher Interviews. Attendance was much improved on recent years. At Loyola, we are fully committed to working in partnership with our parents to ensure students meet their potential. Regular communication and dialogue is part of building this powerful working relationship. I encourage all parents to take time to meet with teachers when the opportunities arise.

Jesuit and Companion Schools Australasia (JACSA)

We were honoured to welcome three staff members from St Ignatius College, Athelstone (Adelaide) to our school on Friday, 17 May. This was an opportunity to strengthen connections within our Ignatian network and to exchange ideas on a range of education aspects, including pastoral care, facilities, operations and learning.

I was also privileged to represent Loyola College at the St Ignatius of Loyola (Drury, Auckland) Chapel Opening on Saturday, 18 May. A Catholic co-educational school, St Ignatius opened at the beginning of 2024 with students in Years 7 – 9. We welcome them to our network and look forward to watching them grow as a school in the Ignatian tradition. As they move to senior years, there may be opportunity to challenge them in cricket – hopefully with a win to Australia over New Zealand!

School Saving Bonus

Recently, the State Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.

This is deeply unfair. We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students. It should not be based on which school you attend. This policy is unfair to families who choose to send their children to a Catholic school.

Loyola College, Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority (VCEA), are working hard to oppose this policy, and we need your help.

We need to show the Victorian Government that families who choose a Catholic school think this policy is unacceptable.

Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern.

Thank you in anticipation of you advocating for your family and our College.