Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #9

Principal's Report

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of week seven! How quickly time flies. The end of Term Two is in sight. Of note, exams commence for Year 10 students on Wednesday 19 June and for Year 9 students on Tuesday 25 June. It is important that students are revising for these examinations. Regular steady revision is always better than late night cramming before an exam. Parents are encouraged to check in with students to ensure that good study schedules are in place.

While students in the other year levels do not do exams, the last few weeks of Term Two will require commitment to studies as they submit assessment tasks.

ACS Athletics Championships

On Monday 20 May, eighty students took the bus to compete in the annual ACS Athletics championships. While the rain put the program behind schedule, it was wonderful to see so many Loyola students giving of their best. Loyola came sixth out of seven schools. It was affirming to see students stepping up to help when events needed to be filled. Loyola College is at its strongest when individuals work as a team, focussing on what is good for the whole rather than an individual approach. 

Weekly ACS Sport

A reminder to all parents that ACS Sport is compulsory for all students at the College until the end of Term Three in Year 11. Parents are asked to schedule appointments outside of this weekly afternoon commitment. We increasingly have students wanting to sign out early and avoid sport. This leaves teams in a precarious position.

It is important to remember that being part of a team requires commitment from all individuals. When a student does not attend, extra pressure is placed on teammates. Being part of a team, working together for a common goal, builds a sense of connection and belonging, which in turns builds resilience. Thinking of others is a fundamental tenet to developing a positive mindset. Focussing inwards on individual needs can lead to rumination and anxiety.

Challenging and supporting students to do something they perhaps would prefer not to do builds strength and grit. Students grow when they navigate challenge.

Finally, regular exercise is fundamental to physical fitness and mental health. Many of our Year 12 leaders reflect on their time at the College and the fun they had with the friends through the weekly sport program. I hope to see improved participation and effort with ACS Sport across Term Three.

 Complaints or Concerns

Loyola College is committed to building a school community that features positive and respectful relationships. Within our school, relationships are founded in the gospel values of justice, compassion, reconciliation, and kindness. Such relationships support the learning and development of students and value the innate dignity of each person. It is important that all members of the community, including staff, parents, and students, are contributors to the building of the school community. A timely and professional response to complaints is an effective means of encouraging communication, building trust, and resolving issues for the betterment of all concerned.

Loyola College understands that from time-to-time complaints arise regarding aspects of our school’s operation of programs and activities and that it is important that all members of the community have the opportunity to be heard. Loyola College commits to ensuring procedural fairness is observed when dealing with complaints and grievances. 

Who to Contact to Make a Complaint
The nature of the complaint will determine who is the most appropriate person or body to manage the concerns raised. In having specific concerns/complaints addressed, we recommend that initial contact be made with the relevant College personnel in the order below:

Curriculum MattersSubject Teacher, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Student’s Academic ProgressSubject Teacher, Academic Companion, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Student Wellbeing MattersMentor Teacher, Head of House, Head of Student Services, Deputy Principal - Students
Co-Curriculum MattersActivity Facilitator, Head of Co-Curriculum
General Student BehaviourDeputy Principal - Students
College PoliciesDirector of College & Community Engagement, Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance
Off Campus Incidents
(in/out of College Hours)
Deputy Principal - Students
UniformMentor Teacher, Head of House, Deputy Principal - Students
FinancialBusiness Manager
Child SafetyChild Safety Officers: Deputy Principal - Students & Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance

Student Safety at the Bungay Street Crossing

We are very grateful to council for the provision of a new crossing in Bungay Street. In the interests of keeping all students safe and enabling traffic flow, parents are reminded of the following road laws:

  •  The yellow dotted lines on either side of the crossing are no standing areas at the times specified on the signage
  • Cars are permitted to pull over to pick up students on the College side of Bungay Street. We ask that parents do not stop on the other sides as this impedes the flow of traffic
  • Parents are asked not to stop on or at the crossing to pick up students.

The Grimshaw Street parent drop-off zone continues to be a bottleneck. We ask that parents drive as far down into the zone as possible before stopping. Parents are also reminded that, as they exit onto Grimshaw Street, there is no right turn.

We ask for parents' support in all these matters.

Banyule Council does check these areas periodically and we would hate for any of our families to be fined for breaching the road rules. Equally, I am sure that all members of our community value the safety and wellbeing of our students and will take all measures to ensure that no one is hurt.

King’s Birthday Weekend

A reminder to all parents that Monday 10 June is a public holiday and as such a student free day. I trust the long weekend will give families and students a restful break sojourn from the busyness of Term Two.