Ignatian Newsletter: 2025 - Edition #2

Student Voice

Written by
Loyola College Committee

As the 2025 College Captains, Marlo and Kai, we want to express our utmost welcome to the Loyola College community. We both hope you had an enjoyable break over the summer, getting much deserved rest after the busyness of last year, and have started the year off amazingly.

To the students reading this, hopefully the early starts haven't been too hard to tackle - I know we miss the sleep-ins. We would also like to extend our welcome to our new Year 7s and their families and any new family joining us at Loyola in 2025. We hope the first few weeks of transition have been smooth, and definitely a special one as the Year 7s start a new chapter in their life’s journey. We wish you all a wonderful year filled with triumph and positivity.

As we lead into the new year, we’d like to touch on the College theme for 2025, Companions of Hope. We are all gathered as one community to share our journey together, uplifting one another with the hope to inspire us in each of our days. We hope this theme can resonate with the whole community, connecting all members of Loyola College together.

As College Captains, our biggest goal for this year is to make school a more engaging and enjoyable environment to be in, as well as trying to bring excitement to the College, whilst continuing our proud traditions. This will include trying to boost the overall engagement within the community and continuously building positive connections with students, staff and families. The College Committee will also be working on multiple different initiatives to try and benefit the College community. We also want to continue to promote and enhance the student voice here at Loyola.

Loyola’s calendar is always loaded with many events, and as we jumped into this first term, this was no exception. To start, we had both the Year 7 Picnic and the Year 12 Breakfast. In addition, today we held our annual House Swimming Carnival (Go Chisholm & MacKillop). House Eisteddfod rehearsals are in full swing as each House prepares a 12 minute performance of a film or musical. There are also many other exciting events planned for the rest of the term, so stay tuned for more information about them.

As always, we are both here to help and are more than happy to have a chat, so please don’t feel frightened to say ‘hi’! We would love to get to know you all a bit better and understand what you want to get out of this year. We look forward to working with you all.

As we journey through this year together, let’s strive to bring the best out of not just ourselves, but others. Let's make 2025 a year to remember, and one that we will look back on to say ‘that was a wonderful year’.

Marlo Johnson and Kai Simpson
2025 College Captains