Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition # 11

Social Media Safety

The following information regarding social media safety for children and young adults has been collected from the online safety coaching resource 'Safe on Social' and may be of interest to many Loyola College families.

Addressing Group Chat Challenges in Schools

Every time we speak in primary and early years of high school, we are frequently asked to address issues related to group chats, including bullying, inappropriate behaviour, and late-night/all night usage. Over the holidays the incidents of issues goes through the roof! They are not going away so we need to teach how to manage them.

It has become evident that many children are using their phones to access group chat messages in the late hours of the night, causing them to experience sleep deprivation and anxiety from waking up in the morning and scrolling through over 200 messages to see if they were mentioned overnight .

In order to address this issue, it is crucial for a multifaceted approach to teaching appropriate use of group chats. By setting boundaries and emphasising the importance of self-control, children can learn to use group chats responsibly.

Group Chat Bullying and Inappropriate Behaviour

  1. Recognise the Risks

    Group chats can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying due to the perceived anonymity and ease of posting hurtful comments. It's crucial for both parents and educators to be aware of the potential for drama, exclusion, and harmful behaviours within what has become the primary source of communication for young people​​.
  2. Promote Respect and Kindness

    Emphasise the importance of respectful and kind communication within group chats. Teach children that group chats should not be used to spread rumours, complain about others, or create drama. Encourage positive interactions and highlight the consequences of negative behaviour​​.
  3. Teach Safe Exiting Strategies

    Help children understand that it is okay to leave a group chat if they feel uncomfortable or if the conversation turns negative. Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be significant, so providing strategies for polite and confident exits is essential​​.
  4. Parental Monitoring and Involvement
    Parents should monitor their children's online activities and be aware of their involvement in group chats. Regularly check in with children about their online interactions have "tech talks" and provide guidance on handling negative experiences online​​.
  5. Technical Controls and Notifications Management

    Parents can use technical strategies to manage group chat usage. This includes removing access to devices late at night to prevent interrupted sleep, silencing notifications, and using features to limit pings from group chats​​.

Addressing Late-Night Use and Its Impact

  1. Set Clear Boundaries

    Establish clear rules about when and where devices can be used. For example, devices should not be allowed in bedrooms at night to prevent late-night use that can disrupt sleep patterns and increase stress levels​​.

  2. Promote Balanced Online Habits

    Encourage children to take regular breaks from screens and engage in other activities such as reading, sports, or hobbies. This helps in maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities​​.

Discuss the Importance of Sleep

Explain how using devices late at night can affect their sleep and overall well-being. Help children understand the importance of good sleep hygiene and the role it plays in their health and academic performance​​.