Further Help

How can we help? Please contact the relevant member of staff if you have any questions.

NamePositionContact Details
Kathryn WilsonDeputy Principal - Teaching and LearningWilsonK@loyola.vic.edu.au
Lisa BoscoLearning Pathways CoordinatorBoscoL@loyola.vic.edu.au
Stephen BrasierHead of VCEBrasierS@loyola.vic.edu.au
Hayden LangfordHead of VCE VM & VETLangfordH@loyola.vic.edu.au
Tim MooreHead of EnglishMooreT@loyola.vic.edu.au
Sara HodgeHead of MathematicsHodgeS@loyola.vic.edu.au
Mathew LeeHead of ScienceLeeM1@loyola.vic.edu.au
Lara PorczakHead of HumanitiesPorczakL@loyola.vic.edu.au
Lisa Saltalamacchia Head of LanguagesSaltalamacchiaL@loyola.vic.edu.au
Adam CalderoneHead of Religious EducationCalderoneA@loyola.vic.edu.au
David FerranteHead of Health, Physical Education & Outdoor EducationFerranteD@loyola.vic.edu.au
Jacqueline Di StefanoHead of Visual ArtsDiStefanoJ@loyola.vic.edu.au
Alexis WinterHead of Design & TechnologyWinterA@loyola.vic.edu.au
Matthew ThomasHead of Performing ArtsThomasM@loyola.vic.edu.au