Loyola College’s Religious Education Program provides a context which facilitates faith development. The College acknowledges that the family is the first educator of the child and that its efforts can only complement the faith that is nurtured in the home.
In Years 7 to 9 Scripture, Prayer, Theology and Church teachings form an integrated foundation for the program with specific units on Sacraments, Church History, Liturgy, Prayer, Social Justice, Personal Development and Decision Making. In the senior years students study units on Faith and Action that incorporate VCE Texts and Traditions, Religious and Society, Youth Ministry, a VCE VM RE program and a Year 12 school based elective program.
To support the ongoing development and understanding of Ignatian Spirituality, a program of Positive Psychology through an Ignatian lens has been implemented through the Personal Development program for students.
The Religious Education program is embedded in the day-to-day life of the College as a Christian Community. Regular liturgies, Masses, Reflection Days, Sacrament of Reconciliation opportunities, Retreats and Christian Service programmes encourage the integration of faith and life.
College Prayer Life
Students participate College, House, year level, Mentor and class prayer and liturgies. In all celebrations they take active roles through reading, serving, singing or providing reflections. These include Opening Mass, Saint Ignatius Day Mass, Year Twelve Graduation Mass, Class Masses, Fathers’ and Mothers’ Day liturgies, Grandparents Mass, Memorial Mass, Parish House Masses and ANZAC ceremony. Year Twelve students conduct the Ash Wednesday ceremony for the younger students and are leaders for their respective retreats.Saint Ignatius Loyola has had a profound influence on the Catholic Church over the past 500 years. He was a mystic who encouraged his companions to pray the Prayer of The Examen. Ignatius looked for the action of God in the everyday. He was reflective and open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in determining the direction of his life. For Ignatius this meant making life enhancing decisions and choosing the better from amongst the good.
Our whole College community stops prior to lunchtime each Monday and comes together in class and other small groups to pray The Examen together. The prayer of The Examen is a reflection of Ignatian Spirituality. There are five guided steps: Gratitude, asking the Holy Spirit for insight, reflecting on the day and noticing the presence of God, asking for forgiveness and finally, looking towards the future.