15 December 2023

2023 VCE Results

Congratulations to to our 2023 Loyola College DUX - Pio Abi Raad (97.3) and Proxime Accessit - Gabrielle Liew (94.2).

We also take this opportunity to congratulate all those students in our Class of 2023 who received their ATAR on December 11, whilst acknowledging the achievements of Reinard Halim (Year 11) on achieving a Study Score of 50 in VCE Languages: Indonesian! Reinard's efforts are an outstanding reflection of his passions for learning and the Indonesian language and culture. Sangat bagus!Our College has a long-standing commitment to the studying of Languages with students offered multiple opportunities to accelerate their learning in Italian, French or Indonesian as early as Year 7 (Post Foundation Italian) through to our Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Program in Year 9 and VCE acceleration in the Senior years.