Learning @ Loyola

At Loyola College, we are committed in providing a broad range of opportunities that allows our students to develop lifelong connections with their learning. We foster the development of the whole person and encourage our students to achieve their full potential.

We are mindful that while the transition from Primary school to Secondary school is exciting, it can also be challenging for many young students. We offer a supportive Transition program through our base learning groups, which is further enhanced through our strong, vertical pastoral system.

Students are encouraged to pursue their interests but also to be open to new experiences. It is also important that students are actively involved and take personal responsibility for their learning throughout their time at Loyola College. The Mentor offered by the College, in which a teacher is assigned to ‘walk with’ each student throughout their six-year journey, is designed to promote this process.

Years 7 – 9

Loyola College places a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy at Years 7 to 9 but also introduces a range of subject areas that engages our students in developing their creative and design skills through the broad offerings in our Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Design and Technology subjects. 

Year 10, VCE Programs & VET/VCE VM Program

Students at Year 10 continue to develop their skills and knowledge through the core offerings of English, Mathematics and Religious Education. In addition, students choose four elective subjects from the curriculum areas of Languages, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Design & Technology, Digital Technologies, Health & Physical Education, Science and Humanities.  

In Year 11 and Year 12 we offer a broad and extensive range of VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) subjects that allows our Year 11 and 12 students to access their individual pathways which includes further tertiary studies, apprenticeships or work. We also offer a range of units in VET (Vocational Education and Training) and VCE VM (Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major) for those senior students who are interested in pursuing a more practical approach in their final years of secondary schooling.

Click Here to Access our 2025 VCE & VCE VM Handbook

Books & Stationary

Click Here to Access our Online Booklist Provider: Box of Books

Online Course Guide

Our Online Course Guide serves as a compass for students and parents, providing information about the curriculum at Loyola College - including available pathways and subjects. Serving as an essential resource, it aims to compliment and work alongside the students’ aspirations and interests. 

Click Here to Access our Online Course Guide

Learning @ Loyola