Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition # 11

Ignatian Newsletter

From the Principal

Written by
Alison Leutchford

If New York is the city that never sleeps, then, most certainly, Loyola is the school that never sleeps.

Over the most recent holiday break, there was a flurry of activity on campus, demonstrating that Loyola is far more than just a school. It is a community that encourages individual effort and responsibility and provides opportunities for individuals to work together to achieve common goals, building connectedness and belonging.

JACSA Interschool Sports Carnival

During the school holidays, twenty of our best female athletes competed against students from St Ignatius College, Athelstone, Adelaide in the annual JACSA Interschool Sports Carnival. The carnival involved netball, football, volleyball, and soccer. Parents were encouraged to come along and show their support at the matches. We were pleased with the way the girls worked together as a team and represented the College proudly. The competition was another opportunity to connect and build relationship with those in our JACSA network.

Timor Leste

Mia Russell (11CTJM) and Riley Pawloff (11CTJM) represented Loyola College on the recent JEA/JACSA Immersion to Timor Leste during the recent term holiday break. Mia and Riley joined other students from our JACSA schools, visiting Dili, Railaco and Colégio Santo Inácio de Loiola in Kasait. Over many years, Loyola College has generated funds to support this school which is now running and functioning as an excellent secondary college.

JACSA Debating Carnival

Mr Jeremy Martino and Ms Tristen Brudy accompanied five of our best debaters to St Ignatius College, Adelaide to take part in a Debating Carnival during the holidays. While we did not take out the shield, our students learnt a lot from the exceptional standard of debating of some of our other JACSA schools.

Community Service

Also over the recent break, our Youth Ministry students were out in the community as part of their annual outreach program. The students enjoyed a luncheon and some activities with senior residents at Sacred Heart Parish in Diamond Creek. The students were accompanied by Mr John Tran and Ms Liz Gartland’

Maths Magis

We challenge our students to strive for the Magis in everything they do. Magis is the value of striving for the better, striving for excellence and this value embodies a spirit of giving and providing service to those in need and standing with the poor and marginalized. This spirit of giving was embodied by many of our Maths teachers who gave their time on both Wednesdays of the school holiday to run Maths Magis Club. It was great to see students attending and, with the support of staff, working hard to establish a deeper understanding of their Mathematics. We are very fortunate to have such generosity in our teachers.

Annual Musical Production

The first week of Term Three saw the performance of our annual school musical. This year, the musical was Mamma Mia!. The performance was energetic, positive, uplifting, entertaining, an explosion of talent and a real testament to the strength of the Loyola Community. Parents, student and staff worked together to achieve amazing results.

Subject Selection

Term Three is the time where students chose the subjects they plan to study in 2025. There are many opportunities for students to explore what is offered at Loyola College. As a new initiative in 2024, we are excited to launch our Online Course Guide in the coming weeks, which gives a clear overview of the curriculum at each year level, subjects offered and instructions on how to submit subject preferences.

Not only is this online resource an attempt to be more sustainable (care for our common home), but it is also very easy to navigate and will provide staff, students and parents information to help make informed choices.

Thank you to Kathryn Wilson (Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning) and Katie Freeman (Teaching and Learning Assistant) for their work in this area.

Ignatian Ethos and Identity Review

Jesuit Education Australia (JEA) will facilitate an Ignatian Ethos and Identity review in the Loyola College community from 22 – 25 October 2024. This review will explore how we embed and live out Ignatian principles in our community.

ACS Night Football Match

A big thank-you to Jacqueline Wade (Head of Sport), Shannon Staub (Head of Co-Curriculum) and Lauren Hartigan (Director of Operations) who did the planning and preparation for the ACS Annual Night Football Match against Overnewton Anglican Community College under lights at Binnak Park on Wednesday 24 July.

Thanks also to our coaches: Garry Ramsey, Paul Bacash, Sam Philp (L: 14–19), Sarah Sansonetti (L:14–19) and Trinity Mills (L: 15–20). Special call out to our Senior Sport Coordinators, Bianca Marasco and Peter Ciavarella, and most of the HPE Faculty who gathered to offer their support and encouragement.

It was awe inspiring to see the huge number of people that arrived to support the players, staff, parents, students, and Alumni.

Last week, the strength of the community was evident through Mamma Mia!. This week, we see the strength of our community lived out through sport. While we did not win either match, the energy and enthusiasm of our players was palpable. They gave it everything they had. It just wasn’t our night.

"We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future."

Robert F. Kennedy.

St Ignatius Day Fundraising

Next week, Wednesday 31 July, we celebrate St Ignatius Day. In the lead up to this day, Loyola facilitates a major fundraising effort to generate funds for our House charities. An important part of who we are as a college is the way we foster the growth of young people who are men and women for others, who give and do not count the cost. In the final few days before our celebration, I encourage parents to speak to students about their fundraising efforts. Every student was asked to develop an account on the online fundraising platform, ‘Raisely’ during their Religious Education classes. Students simply need to send the link out to friends and family, who can then donate very easily.

We are very mindful of the financial pressures on families as the cost-of-living increases. In this instance, sharing the link means that donations can come from a wide variety of sources and that the pressure to donate does not lie solely with families.

Principal Appointment

Parents will now be aware of my appointment as Principal at Loyola College. I have been overwhelmed by the congratulatory messages and support. I am very grateful to be leading this amazing community and I look forward with great excitement to the next chapter for Loyola College.

In gratitude,

Alison Leutchford

Ignatian Mission & Identity

Written by
Adam Calderone
Deputy Principal, Ignatian Mission and Identity

On Wednesday, 31 July, we celebrate the feast of our College Patron, St Ignatius of Loyola. In this month of Ignatius, I have come across a number of reflections that have had me stop and pause to reflect on the life and legacy of this humble, yet visionary, man.

I draw your attention to this reflection, written by Lisa Kelly, titled What Happened at La Storta. La Storta is a small chapel that Ignatius stopped at on the outskirts of Rome on his way to see the Pope. You can still visit it today, and I was fortunate to have visited last year on the Ignatian Pilgrimage. Lisa speaks about the spirit of companionship and the support of Christ and the community even in the most desolate of times. 

What Happened at La Storta
By Lisa Kelly

I have often struggled with the Ignatian practice that desires to carry the cross and ask for suffering. Why would anyone ask for suffering? In the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius writes of the Three Degrees of Humility, with the third being to choose hardship rather than pleasures in order to imitate Christ most fully. It includes willingness to be a fool for Christ rather than be esteemed by others. The third degree of humility is self-sacrifice regardless of the cost—discomfort, poverty, ridicule, or death. Seriously? I am supposed to ask for that?

Then I came to understand St. Ignatius Loyola’s experience at La Storta from the inside out.

In St. Ignatius’s autobiography, two short lines are offered to describe what some would say was the culmination of Ignatius’s spiritual journey: “One day, a few miles before reaching Rome, he was at prayer in a church and experienced such a change in his soul and saw so clearly that God the Father had placed him with Christ the Son that he would not dare to doubt it. God the Father had placed him with his Son.” (96)

Ignatius had been praying to Mary to be placed with her Son for some time. This was 16 years after Ignatius began his spiritual journey. These were years of fumbling through faith, trying to discern the will of God, learning, and building community. These were years of traveling, service, and prayer. To be placed with Jesus was Ignatius’s ultimate desire, not just to be a companion of Jesus, but to carry his cross. This desire can only be understood in the context of a loving relationship, years in the making.

Times of fumbling, learning, building community, travel, service, and prayer have been hallmarks of my own marriage. Now going on 30 years, I have come to experience and understand a love that does indeed desire suffering with another and desires to carry the cross of another. It is not that we desire suffering for the sake of suffering, but we acknowledge there will be suffering in our life together. We would rather be with each other when this happens than avoid suffering by being distant. During the darkest days of our journey, the desire to be together has been the strongest. This desire stems from the depth of intimacy shared. I want to be the one to walk with my husband in his dark hours. I choose to be that one. It is the desire of marriage itself: “for better or for worse,” even in times of suffering I desire to be the one with him.

That’s what happened at La Storta for Ignatius. After 16 years of courtship, he found a level of intimacy with Christ to desire to be placed with him, for better or worse. His desire did not come out of duty, guilt, or expectation (not good motivations for anyone to marry!), but out of his intimate connection with Christ. Marriage does change one’s soul. To “be placed with another” means from then on each spouse chooses to be part of a bigger “we.” The identity and will of “me” defers to that greater “we” in humility. When this humility grows out of intimate love, the suffering pales in comparison to the fulfillment of being together.

Ignatius talked about La Storta near the end of his memoir, as if to say, “And they lived happily ever after.” May we all practice this desire to suffer with well enough to get to our own La Storta and live happily ever after.

Teaching & Learning

Written by
Kathryn Wilson
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

As mentioned previously, Term Three is an extremely busy time of the year with Mid Semester and End of Semester Reports, Parent Teacher Interviews, 2025 Subject Selection all featuring over the coming months.  

In order to ensure you are adequately prepared for the weeks ahead, please find some important information below regarding each item: 

Mid & End of Semester Reports:

• End of Semester Reports will be available to parents/carers through the portal from 29 July.

• Mid Semester Reports will be available to parents/carers through the portal towards the end of Term Three.

Parent Teacher Interviews:

A reminder that our Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on 21 & 22 August.

In response to feedback, we are continuing the hybrid approach. The format can be found below:

• Wednesday, 21 August: 3:40pm – 7:30pm (face to face)

• Thursday, 22 August: 2:30pm – 7:30pm (online)

We are also continuing to open bookings earlier for Year 12 parents. In this instance, bookings will open 2 days earlier for parents of Year 11 and Year 12 students.

Subject Selection 2025:

This will be an extremely busy time of the year for all students, staff and parents, including year level assemblies, a Subject Selection Evening and Web Preferences becoming available. Over the coming weeks, you will receive letters regarding the various important areas related to your child’s education. These letters contain essential information and updates.

Please find a summary of the main events:

Student Assemblies:  Commencing Week 4

Senior Subject Selection Evening: Tuesday, 13 August 6:00pm – 8:00pm: This year, the evening will take on a slightly different feel compared to previous years. It will be face to face and will take place in the MPAC, Universities will be available in the foyer for students to meet and discuss future pathways, a VTAC presentation will be available to parents and students and subject selection information will be presented for parents and students in Years 9-11.

Web Preferences open on the evening of Tuesday, 13 August.

Course Guide 2025:

It is important that our students make their decisions about subject choices in an informed manner. An important stage of this process is to carefully read the 2025 Course Guide. The format is new this year as we transition to an electronic and interactive version. This change aims to make the Guide easier to use by centralizing all information in one location. We value any feedback you may have regarding this new format. The link to the Course Guide will be available to parents and students in the coming weeks.

Please be aware that not all units listed in the Course Guide may be available in 2025. Furthermore, whilst the School aims to meet the needs and wishes of all our students, there may be occasions when we are unable to accommodate student preferences. Reasons for this may be timetable constraints, demand for certain subjects or limits to class sizes.

Subject Selection Conversations:  

During the Subject Selection Process, all current Year 9 and 10 students will meet with a member of the Learning Pathways Team.  Students are provided with a copy of their career plan and are strongly encouraged to discuss their Learning Pathways conversation with you.

Application for Accelerated Subjects in 2025

In Term Three our Year 9 and 10 students will be considering their Year 10 and Year 11 subjects for next year. 

Current Year 9:

A number of students may wish to complete a Unit 1/2 Subject (Year 11 subject) in 2025. Acceleration requires demonstration of consistently high academic achievement and an ability to take on the demands of an accelerated subject. Therefore, a student will need to be committed to their studies, be well organised and able to meet deadlines. English will be one of the subjects in which the student needs to demonstrate a consistently high level of academic ability.

Stages of the Acceleration Process: 

1. Letter of invite from the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning to those students who meet the desired criteria of 5As (5 x 80%) (one of which has to be English) (75% for Enhanced / CLIL students) 

2. Completion of Application Form   

3. Completion of Acceleration Test

4. Invitation for a brief interview by the relevant Head of Learning

5. Students and parents informed of the outcome by Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning.

Students have been informed of this process at the beginning of the year.

Current Year 10:

An invitational letter, from the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning, will be sent out to students currently studying an accelerated Unit 1/2 subject.  Acceptance for Unit 3/4 is not automatic. Letters will be sent to students who have been able to sustain a high level of academic ability and meet the demands of the accelerated Unit 1/2 Units. 

The subject selection process takes place in Term Three for all of our students and once again students will be asked to complete their subject choices online, with your guidance.

Vocational Process in 2024: Pre-V (Year 10) and VCE VM (Year 11) 

As students consider their future pathways, they may feel that a vocational curriculum (Pre-V and VCE VM) is more suited to their needs. That may be in terms of the curriculum areas offered or simply a vocational approach best suits their learning needs. Please find below brief outline of the two Programs. 

Current Year 9 - Pre-V: 

The Pre-V Program at Loyola is designed to provide students with valuable exposure and practical experience in various vocational fields. It aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to make informed career choices and excel in their chosen fields.   

Current Year 10 - VCE VM: 

Students already enrolled on the current Pre-V course will automatically continue their vocational studies into Year 11 and Year 12. There is the opportunity, however, for students in Year 10 to join the VCE VM Program in 2025.    

Student enrolment for both Vocational Programs is by invitation only and recommendations are made following careful consideration and review of the academic record, skills and interests of the students, alongside conversations with staff. For those students who do not receive a letter of invite, parents / guardians are welcome to contact Mr Langford (Head of VCE VM) or Miss Wilson if they feel a vocational program will suit the learning needs of their child.

Assessment & Reporting Codes:

Thank you for your support as we aim to uphold consistency and fairness for all our students with the recent changes made to the requirements when your child is absent from an assessment. We value your input and recognise that obtaining medical certificates can be challenging. In light of this, we have introduced the acceptance of Pharmacy Certificates and Statutory Declarations in circumstances where a medical certificate was not able to be obtained.

We ask that documentation of medical absence is provided to the class teacher at your earliest convenience, either via email or hard copy.

New SMS Attendance Notification

Written by
Jacqueline Salamon
Director of Students

Notifying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.

If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence, by using the College Portal or Email/Phone call to Reception.

If your child is absent on a particular day and you have not contacted the school to explain why, an SMS will be sent to you prompting you to reply 1 or 2 according to the reason:

1. Medical/Unwell

2. Personal/Family

Any other reason for absence will require you to contact Loyola College to provide an explanation of your child’s absence.

This system promotes daily school attendance. Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education, they learn new things every day – missing school puts them behind.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #11 SMS For student attendance

Kwong Lee Dow Scholars Program (Year 10 Students)

Written by
Dominic Denton
Year 10-12 Programs Coordinator

Applications are now open for the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program, the University of Melbourne’s flagship high school academic enrichment program. The program is open to Year 10 students from all Victorian and select interstate boarder schools, offering access to exclusive University events and academic enrichment activities for two years. The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program designed to support high-achieving secondary school students in achieving their personal best. Students will be able to submit their application between 15 July and 30 August.

Successful applicants will take part in an exciting two-year program of events and activities that will expand their academic and personal horizons and set them up for success at Melbourne, and beyond. When you finish your secondary studies, you could also be offered a guaranteed place in an undergraduate degree, financial assistance to move to Melbourne, and an overseas scholarship during your studies. If you wish to apply, please have a conversation with your Careers Teacher or the Year 10-12 Programs Coordinator, to let them know you're interested in submitting an application. Each school must limit the number of applications they submit. To be considered the school will need to endorse your application, so this conversation and the school's support is vital. For more information, contact Mr Denton.

For more information about the program, visit the University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow website by CLICKING HERE.

Co-Curriculum News:

Written by
Shannon Staub
Head of Co-curriculum

JACSA Girls’ Sports Carnival 2024:

Loyola College proudly hosted the annual JACSA Girls’ Sports Carnival from July 1 – July 3, last held at the College in 2019.

Staff and students welcomed Saint Ignatius’ College, Adelaide for the event, run here at the College. Twenty of our most committed and talented senior students participated in the Carnival which saw the two schools compete in soccer, Australian Rules Football, netball, and volleyball. Our female students displayed a wide array of sports prowess, and although the shield was retained by Saint Ignatius’ College, each match was fiercely contested.

Students from both schools were fortunate to hear from Loyola Alumni Trinity Mills at the formal dinner. Trinity spoke of the importance of sport in her life, the lessons that sport can teach and her journey to becoming an elite level footballer.

Thank you to Mia Daly, Brodie Car and Bianca Marasco for their participation in the Carnival. A special mention also to Alex Martinelli for providing healthy and delicious food throughout the carnival, and Chris Doumbalis, our expert and enthusiastic bus driver who ensured that everyone arrived on time. What a great team!

Semester 2 Co-curriculum Timetable:

Loyola College makes available to students a wide range of activities beyond the formal hours and courses of study. The College’s Co-Curriculum Program is a significant part of an education at Loyola, as an Ignatian school focusing on the education of the whole person, also known as Cura Personalis.

Each activity falls into one of five areas – Service and Spirituality, Clubs and Societies, Performing Arts, Public Speaking and Debating, or Sports and Outdoor Activities. All activities are staffed by members of teaching staff and occasionally support staff, all of whom realise that a breadth of education is important to encourage curiosity, involvement and a lifelong love of learning. There is much research to show that involvement in a wide range of co-curriculum activities fosters friendship-making and leadership capacity, so the College highly encourages participation.

Below, I am pleased to share with you the Semester 2 co-curriculum calendar. The calendar outlines when, and where activities run across the College, and who they may contact to find out more. I would like to encourage all students to step up this semester and try a new co-curriculum activity– you never quite know where it will lead you!

Semester 2 Co-curriculum Timetable

Public Speaking & Debating News

Written by
Jovinna Lee

Jesuit Schools’ Debating Carnival

On the afternoon of Sunday 30 June, Sienna Ganter (11CAMA), Justin Lin (10MCMS), Simon Adi-Purnomo (10AAAM), Joshua Buckley (10XEJS), and I travelled to St Ignatius College Adelaide to compete at the 19th Annual Australian Jesuit Schools’ Debating Carnival at. This was a three-day competition held across from 30 June to 2 July, during which we debated against other Jesuit schools in Australia.

This year, Sienna and I took on the role of leading the team in our capacity as Vice Captains of Public Speaking and Debating. It was a great experience, especially seeing the three boys blossom and improve their skills so quickly – we felt proud.

Participating in this carnival helped us enhance our debating skills by learning different styles of debate. We worked hard and showed strong team spirit despite some illness hurdles - grateful for this amazing team collaboration.

Please see below, Justin Lin’s reflection on his experience after the competition:

This year, I was fortunate enough to be a part of Loyola College’s Jesuit Schools’ Debating team. During the 3 days of competition, we competed with other Jesuit schools, and developed a new understanding of their debating styles, while having great fun debating and getting to know new people. We had great fun enjoying at the city of Adelaide - it was VERY quiet there! We competed fiercely, but we the most precious thing of all was the experience, memories, and perspective we gained.

I would like congratulate Sienna who won the Spirit Medal for Loyola, and Simon who was also named a part of the Jesuit All-Star Team of the Tournament! Although we didn’t get the desired result this year, we still came out with some victories. Let’s strive to be even better next year!

On behalf of the team, I would like to thank Mr Martino for organising this amazing experience and Ms Brudy who came along and supported us along the way! Your mentorship helped us a lot.

Student Voice

Written by
Loyola College Committee

Drama News

I am Charlotte Michael, the Drama Captain for 2024. It has been such a great year already for the Performing Arts that has included the House Eisteddfod, College Musical and the two College plays.

To start the year, we had Loyola’s annual House Eisteddfod at the end of Term One. Our six Houses each performed a 12-minute musical which they had been preparing every Friday night after school. Each performance was amazing to watch, and it was great to see so many people involved. Congratulations to Flynn House who took the win this year with ‘Rock of Ages’ and thank you to the supervising staff and to all year 12s who conducted the rehearsals.

'Mamma Mia!', the College Musical, was recently performed and left audience members wanting more. The show was a great success with familiar songs by ABBA which stuck in so many people’s heads for hours after the performance. Congratulations to all involved and for giving up your weekends, Friday nights and holidays to produce such an incredible and professional show. 

Loyola College was also lucky enough to have two Year 12 College Plays - ‘Cosi’ performed by Ms Bryans' class and ‘Noises Off’ by Ms Boyle's class - which were both so amazing to watch, presenting the incredible talents from our Year 12 students of both Theatre Studies classes.

At the end of Term Two, the Dance Showcase took place showcasing all ranges of dance that students have been working on over the past 6 months. Year 12 students shared their incredible solo performances and younger year levels showed their group work showcasing all their amazing skills.

Student Of The Week

Marco Dalla Riva (9/FHPL)

Marco Dalla Riva is a Year 9 superstar when it comes to Performing Arts at Loyola. He participates in the School Choir, House Eisteddfod and the College Musical. He is a great part of the Performing Arts community and comes to all rehearsals with a smile on his face. He works hard when given a task and will always complete it with a smile. Well done Marco keep up the great work!

ICT News

Written by
Victor Dalla-Vecchia
ICT Manager

Cybercrime at Tax Time

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) advises Australians and Australian businesses to be aware of Business Email Compromise (BEC) threats during tax time. BEC occurs when cybercriminals access email accounts to steal your sensitive and financial information, or commit fraud by impersonating employee or company email accounts to obtain money or data.

What can you do?

Australian individuals and businesses should strengthen their email security by taking the following steps:

• Set secure passphrases for each account.

• Set-up multi-factor authentication.

• Exercise caution when opening attachments or links.

• Think critically before actioning requests for money or sensitive information.

• If you’re a business, establish clear processes for workers to verify and validate requests for payment and sensitive information.

The ACSC’s provides advice (https://www.cyber.gov.au/prote...) on how to protect yourself online.

Social Media Safety

The following information regarding social media safety for children and young adults has been collected from the online safety coaching resource 'Safe on Social' and may be of interest to many Loyola College families.

Addressing Group Chat Challenges in Schools

Every time we speak in primary and early years of high school, we are frequently asked to address issues related to group chats, including bullying, inappropriate behaviour, and late-night/all night usage. Over the holidays the incidents of issues goes through the roof! They are not going away so we need to teach how to manage them.

It has become evident that many children are using their phones to access group chat messages in the late hours of the night, causing them to experience sleep deprivation and anxiety from waking up in the morning and scrolling through over 200 messages to see if they were mentioned overnight .

In order to address this issue, it is crucial for a multifaceted approach to teaching appropriate use of group chats. By setting boundaries and emphasising the importance of self-control, children can learn to use group chats responsibly.

Group Chat Bullying and Inappropriate Behaviour

  1. Recognise the Risks

    Group chats can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying due to the perceived anonymity and ease of posting hurtful comments. It's crucial for both parents and educators to be aware of the potential for drama, exclusion, and harmful behaviours within what has become the primary source of communication for young people​​.
  2. Promote Respect and Kindness

    Emphasise the importance of respectful and kind communication within group chats. Teach children that group chats should not be used to spread rumours, complain about others, or create drama. Encourage positive interactions and highlight the consequences of negative behaviour​​.
  3. Teach Safe Exiting Strategies

    Help children understand that it is okay to leave a group chat if they feel uncomfortable or if the conversation turns negative. Fear of missing out (FOMO) can be significant, so providing strategies for polite and confident exits is essential​​.
  4. Parental Monitoring and Involvement
    Parents should monitor their children's online activities and be aware of their involvement in group chats. Regularly check in with children about their online interactions have "tech talks" and provide guidance on handling negative experiences online​​.
  5. Technical Controls and Notifications Management

    Parents can use technical strategies to manage group chat usage. This includes removing access to devices late at night to prevent interrupted sleep, silencing notifications, and using features to limit pings from group chats​​.

Addressing Late-Night Use and Its Impact

  1. Set Clear Boundaries

    Establish clear rules about when and where devices can be used. For example, devices should not be allowed in bedrooms at night to prevent late-night use that can disrupt sleep patterns and increase stress levels​​.

  2. Promote Balanced Online Habits

    Encourage children to take regular breaks from screens and engage in other activities such as reading, sports, or hobbies. This helps in maintaining a healthy balance between online and offline activities​​.

Discuss the Importance of Sleep

Explain how using devices late at night can affect their sleep and overall well-being. Help children understand the importance of good sleep hygiene and the role it plays in their health and academic performance​​.

Annual Music Concert 2024

Our Loyola College Annual Music Concert returns in 2024 - running over two nights on Tuesday, 6 August and Wednesday, 7 August at 7:00pm.

Performances include acts from all ten Year 7 classes, Year 8 Ensemble classes; along with our VCE Soloists, Choirs, Concert Bands, Rock Bands and much more!

Join us at the Inigo Theatre on one or both nights and enjoy an evening of music and celebration. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the Kiosk operated by our Friends of Performing Arts (FOPA) Team on both evenings.


PLEASE NOTE: Loyola College Students who are performing on the night DO NOT require a ticket.

Further Information Regarding Year 7 Class Performances:

Tuesday 6th August: Year 7.05, 7.06, 7.09, 7.04 and 7.08
Wednesday 7th August 7.01, 7.03, 7.07, 7.10 and 7.02

Year 8 Ensemble class, Junior and Senior Choir, Senior Band, Rock Bands, Jazz Band, woodwind ensemble and brass ensemble all will be performing both nights.

For more information, please contact music@loyola.vic.edu.au

2024 Annual Music Concert

Loyola College Community News

Written by
Monica Agius
College & Community Engagement Assistant

Grandparents Mass & Morning Tea

Thank you to the Grandparents who joined us for the annual Grandparents Mass & Morning Tea on Tuesday, 23 July. This is a special occasion celebrated at Loyola to coincide with the Feast of St Anne & St Joachin, Jesus’ Grandparents. It has become a much-anticipated date in the College Calendar where we celebrate the significant role that Grandparents play in the lives of our students. It was lovely to see our students share this special morning with their Grandparents, who enjoyed a special Mass celebrated by Fr Gerry Healy SJ, followed by morning tea.

Thank you to the Canteen staff for preparing the lovely treats, and to all staff involved in preparations for the morning.

Loyola College Alumni Association Annual Reunion

Former staff and students from graduating years 1985 - 2023 are warmly invited to the Loyola College Alumni Association Annual Reunion, with a special dedication to the classes of 1994, 2004, 2014, and 2023.

This event provides a wonderful opportunity for alumni to reconnect, reminisce, and create new memories together. Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter and nostalgia, featuring live music and entertainment provided by Rat Pack

Event Details:

Date: Friday, 2 August 2024

Time: 7:00pm

Venue: Glasshaus Bruke

Address: 368 Bridge Road, Richmond 3121

The evening is hosted with compliments by the Loyola College Alumni Association. Canapés will be provided, with drinks available at bar prices. Please CLICK HERE to secure your place.

2024 Loyola College Alumni Reunion

Father Daughter Breakfast

The annual event Father & Daughter Breakfast will take place on Tuesday, 27 August at 7.15am, followed by a prayer service in the St. Ignatius Chapel at Old Loyola.

Please CLICK HERE for tickets. Each booking incurs a $20 donation to Jesuit Social Services (plus booking fee).

2024 Loyola College Father & Daughter Breakfast

Bogan Bingo

A reminder that tickets are now on sale for the Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA) major fundraiser for 2024 - Bogan Bingo to be held on Saturday, 7 September.

Bring your friends together to enjoy a night of bingo calls to 80’s and 90’s tunes, comedy, tributes, best dressed competition and a spontaneous air guitar competition. It's the interactive, fun game show that gets everyone rocking! Tables of 12 are available, BYO food only with all drinks at bar prices. Please CLICK HERE for tickets

Please Note: This is an adults only event.

Loyola College Bogan Bingo

Donation of Loyola Uniform

Thank you for the generous donations of second hand uniforms at the end of last ter. We are currently seeking donations of girls’ winter uniform for the second hand uniform supply. If you have any items that you no longer require, please leave washed items with Reception. The second hand uniform sales assist families in need are greatly appreciated. For more information please contact Monica Agius at community@loyola.vic.edu.au or 9433 0228

2024 Entertainment Guide

Support LPFA fundraising efforts and enjoy hundreds of everyday savings!

The Entertainment Guide is the easy to use App packed with incredible savings of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, so you can save on takeaway, dining, shopping, groceries, gift cards, activities and more! And what’s more, 20% of every membership purchased via the following link goes towards supporting the College through the Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA)

Digital memberships can be purchased HERE

Medical News

Increasing Whooping Cough Cases

The Victorian Health Department has issued a health alert entitled “Increasing Pertussis (whooping cough) Cases in Victoria”. 

Key messages from this alert are:

  • Cases of pertussis (whooping cough) are increasing in Victoria, mostly affecting children aged 10-12 years.
  • Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness known for causing a cough, and can lead to life threatening infections in babies.
  • Symptoms of pertussis may be very similar to other respiratory infections, especially in the early stages, meaning diagnosis by a doctor as soon as possible is important.

Prompt diagnosis, isolation and treatment can help reduce transmission and protect vulnerable infants.

For further information please read the attached flyer below:

Whooping Cough Alert

Parish News

25th Anniversary Mass of the Church of St Thomas the Apostle, Greensborough North

It is the 25th anniversary of the completion and blessing of St Thomas the Apostle Church this year. The Parish wish to celebrate this momentous occasion by holding a special Mass on Sunday 18 August at 10:30am. This will be followed by a morning tea where you can chat with other parishioners, renew old friendships, make new connections, and reflect on the work of those who designed, planned and built our beautiful worship and community space with its many special and unique features. 

All members of our partnered parishes, and anyone with connections to our church/parish, are warmly invited to share this celebration.

Community Events

Loyola College Prayer & Vocation - 2024
Encounter Program - 2024