Ignatian Newsletter:2024 - Edition #2

Ignatian Newsletter

Principal's Report:

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

The new school year has picked up pace and we have much to report on in this edition of The Ignatian.

Opening School Mass

On Tuesday, 13 February, Father Anthony Girolami and Father Gerry Healy celebrated our Opening School Mass. In a Catholic school, the liturgy is a significant way to mark the commencement of the school year. At the Mass, we ask God’s blessing on the school community and remind students and staff or the identity and mission of the school.

I thank Mr Calderone for his leadership and organisation of a most beautiful liturgy.

College Assembly

We enjoyed the return of our 2023 VCE High Achievers at our College Assembly on Thursday, 8 February. Students listened attentively to a wonderful address by 2023 College Dux - Pio Abi Raad - in which he shared his appreciation of the support of family, teachers, and friends. At the assembly we acknowledged the students who achieved the top score in each Year 12 subject as well as those students who achieved an ATAR over 90.

Year 12 Breakfast

Parents, students, and staff enjoyed the annual Year 12 breakfast in the Old Loyola Courtyard on Tuesday, 6 February. It was a great opportunity to acknowledge the partnership of staff and parents in their support of students as they embark on their final year of schooling.

School Improvement Plan

After much consultation, Consult has prepared a four-year School Improvement Plan (2024 – 2027). The plan focuses on four key areas:

• To deliver a distinguishable enhancement of Catholic Identity at Loyola College.

• To ensure students are engaged, motivated, and committed to becoming lifelong and independent learners.

• To ensure all stakeholders understand and support expectations of students as learners and respectful members of the College Community.

• To build the capacity of all leaders, empowering them to enact the vision of the College.

Over the next four years we will engage with students, parents, staff, and the wider community to work towards these goals.

Keeping Students Safe

We are very concerned about student safety in the Grimshaw Street drop-off zone. Parents are reminded to drive as far down the drop-off zone as possible before stopping for students to get out of the vehicle. Many vehicles are backed onto Grimshaw Street as some parents are blocking the flow of traffic by stopping earlier. I ask for the cooperation of all in this matter as we all commit to keeping our students safe.

Parents are also encouraged to drop students off two blocks from the College and allow students to walk the remaining distance. This incidental exercise is good for mental health and would also alleviate our traffic challenges in both Grimshaw and Bungay Street.


We all want our students to perform well academically. The building blocks for a great education begin with students coming to school each day. If students miss school regularly, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in the later years of school. There is no safe number of days for missing school. Each day a student is absent puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes. We ask for parental support in ensuring students attend school regularly.

Medical Management Plan

Loyola College is under the governance of Melbourne Archdioceses Catholic Schools (MACS). MACS have introduced some new procedures around the management of medical conditions in our community. Correspondence regarding this matter was forwarded to parents earlier this week. It is also included later in this Ignatian. It is important parents are informed of the new expectations, particularly around the management of medications in our community.

Student Free Days

Earlier versions on the College electronic calendar published two student free days at the end of Term One. Please note that this has been amended and that Thursday 28 March (Holy Thursday) will be a Staff Spirituality Day and therefore a Student Free Day. However, all students will be required to attend school on Wednesday 27 March.

A reminder that Monday 11 March is the Labour Day public holiday and there will not be school on that day.

Coming Events

We wish all Houses well in the forthcoming House Swimming Carnival (Monday 19 February).

On Friday 23 February, I remind families that the Loyola College Alumni Association (LCAA) will be hosting the Car Show. It should be a fabulous evening, showcasing cars against the backdrop of our beautiful facilities. I look forward to seeing some of you there.

Ignatian Mission & Identity:

Embracing Lent: A Season of Reflection and Renewal

As we embark on the journey of Lent, a sacred season in the liturgical calendar, our hearts are called to introspection and renewal. Lent, lasting 40 days, symbolises the period Jesus spent fasting in the desert, facing temptation and preparing for his ministry. It is a time of self-reflection, prayer, and repentance, inviting us to draw closer to God and strengthen our spiritual foundations.

In the fast-paced world we inhabit, Lent offers a unique opportunity to pause, reevaluate our priorities, and deepen our connection with the divine. The ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday are a powerful reminder of our mortality and the need for humility. As we bear these ashes, we are reminded of our common humanity and shared journey towards holiness.

Fasting, prayer, and almsgiving are integral aspects of Lenten observance. Fasting allows us to detach from the material aspects of life, creating space for spiritual nourishment. It is not just a sacrifice but a conscious effort to redirect our focus towards the One who sustains us. Through prayer, we open our hearts to God, fostering a deeper relationship and seeking guidance for our lives. Almsgiving calls us to extend our love and compassion to others, recognising the inherent dignity of every person as a child of God.

In the spirit of Lent, let us embrace a mindset of gratitude and humility. It is a time to examine our actions, acknowledge our shortcomings, and strive for personal growth. Through our Lenten practices, we can cultivate virtues such as patience, kindness, and generosity, fostering a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness.

As a community, let us support one another on this transformative journey. Lent is not a solitary endeavour but a shared experience that unites us in our common pursuit to accompany and learn from each other. Together, we can create an environment of encouragement and accountability, inspiring each other to be the best versions of ourselves.

In the words of Pope Francis, "Lent is a journey that involves our whole life, our entire being." May this Lenten season be a time of grace and renewal for our school community. May we emerge from this sacred season with hearts aflame, ready to share God's love and light with the world.

Wishing you all a blessed and transformative Lenten season.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #2 Lent picture

Caritas Project Compassion – Term 1 fundraiser

As we journey together through Lent, we again look to contribute to the Caritas Project Compassion fundraising appeal. This annual campaign, deeply rooted in the Catholic ethos of love and compassion, calls us to unite in solidarity with communities in Australia and around the world facing poverty, injustice, and hardship.
This year, our College is proud to embark on a journey of compassion through the support of Caritas Project Compassion. Our collective efforts will contribute to projects that provide education, healthcare, and livelihood opportunities for vulnerable communities. Every donation, no matter the size, will make a significant impact in transforming lives and fostering hope.
To kickstart our fundraising efforts, each Mentor has been given a money box to collect donations from our community. Alternatively, you may wish to donate on your child’s House’s fundraising page at the following link: Loyola College - Watsonia - Caritas | Project Compassion Schools Please navigate to the bottom of the page to see each House profile. Select the House your child belongs to and then donate on the House profile page. Students can also make a profile if they wish, share that with family and friends and link it to their House.
Each House will also host a fundraising effort over lunchtimes this term. From pizza slices to bake sales, each initiative aims to not only raise funds but also foster a sense of unity and shared purpose. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Thank you for your continued support!

2024 Caritas Project Compassion

Teaching & Learning:

Upcoming Events

Senior Programs Information Evening:

28 February 7:00pm. Inigo Theatre - Magis Performing Arts Centre.

The purpose of the evening is to provide an overview of VCE and VCE VM procedures for 2024, in the hope that any concerns or questions you may have will be addressed.

More information regarding this evening will be provided shortly.

Student Services Information Evening for Year 7 Parents:

21 February 7:00pm

Parents of Year 7 students on the Student Services register have already been emailed an invitation to attend this information session. The purpose of this evening is to communicate the various academic, social, and environmental supports available at Loyola, and discuss how these may alter as your child grows.

This is a parent only session for those with children with an identified individual need.

Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN

Please note that NAPLAN will now take place in the week beginning 11 March. Further details will be available nearer the time.

Dates are:

• Thursday 14 March – Writing

• Friday 15 March – Reading

• Monday 18 March – Conventions of Language

• Tuesday 19 March – Numeracy

• Wednesday 20 March – catch up

Changes to Assessment and Reporting at Loyola College

In response to feedback from parents, students, and teachers regarding ambiguity surrounding our previous reporting and assessment codes, we are introducing a new streamlined set of codes, which are simpler and easy to understand. These codes have been carefully designed to provide clear and concise feedback on each student's academic performance and progress. By simplifying our reporting and assessment codes, we aim to provide consistent feedback across all subjects and grade levels, making it easier for both parents and students to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

We are confident that these changes will have a positive impact on our school community, and we are excited to roll out this new reporting and assessment system.

Please find below detailed information about the new reporting and assessment codes, including examples and case studies of how they could be used in practice. 

Naturally, as with any new system, we will encounter some issues or questions when certain instances and circumstances occur. In this case, please reach out to our teachers and staff, who will be available to answer any questions and provide support as we transition to this new system.

Years 7-10 Students:

There are 3 possible codes:

1. Ex – Exempt: No Penalty

Approved non-submission (illness with medical certificate provided to the teacher)

School sanctioned events

Compassionate grounds as approved by any of the following:

  • Head of House
  • Head of Learning
  • Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
  • Deputy Principal - Students
  • Head of Student Services

2. 0%:

  • Not submitted (not handed in)
  • Late submission
  • Plagiarism (including AI)
  • Absent with no explanation from parent to teacher prior to or day of assessment.
  • Holidays during term time

Students will have the opportunity to redeem in the case of below 49%, however the redeemed grade will be recorded in comments on the LMS. The original % remains.

3. % Grade:

  • This is awarded to the assessment piece according to the school’s grade descriptors.

Units 1-4:

There are 3 possible codes. This does not significantly differ from the current system.

  1. S - Satisfactory: Completion of a VCE / VM / VET unit and outcome
  2. N - Not Satisfactory: Unsatisfactory completion of a VCE / VM / VET unit and outcome
  3. IP - In Progress Only under exceptional circumstances as approved by Deputy Principal Teaching& Learning or Year 10-12 Programs Coordinator.

Case Studies: 

The case studies below will hopefully aid an understanding of the new codes.

Case Study 1:

“Michael, a Year 12 student, was absent during the English SAC without prior notice. His teacher later discovered that he had been participating in an off-campus community service activity that day, supporting a local charity. Michael and his family did not respond to emails from his English teacher addressing the absence.”

Question: What should Michael be given for the missed English SAC?

Answer: N

Case Study 2:

“Jake, a Year 10 student, was absent on the day of the Maths test. He did not inform the teacher in advance, but later provided a medical certificate explaining that he had a contagious illness and was advised by a doctor to stay at home for a few days.”

Question: What should Jake be given for the missed Maths test?

Answer: Exempt

Case Study 3:

“Alex, a Year 7 student, missed the Science test unexpectedly. The teacher later found out that Alex attended a last-minute audition for a drama performance and had told the supervising teacher that he had nothing important going on in Science that period.”

Question: What should Alex be given for the missed Science test?

Answer: 0%

Case Study 4:

“Lily, a Year 9 student, missed the Geography assessment due to a doctor's appointment. She informed her teacher beforehand and submitted a medical certificate confirming the appointment”.

Question: What should Lily be given for the missed Geography test?

Answer: Exempt

Case Study 5:

“Emily, a Year 8 student, missed the Music test as she was supposed to be representing the school in a JACSA sports competition. However, Emily did not attend the JACSA event and provided no reason for her absence”.

Question: What should Emily be given for the missed Music test?

Answer: 0%

MACS Medical Managment Policies

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

As part of the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Medical Management Policy (2023), it is the College’s responsibility to ensure that the care, safety and welfare of all students is in accordance with the State and Commonwealth laws. Furthermore, parents are required to keep staff at Loyola informed about the following:

• Updated advice related to any health care needs for your child and personalised care needs in a timely manner prior to all excursions and camps to allow appropriate arrangements to be made.

• Parents of children with existing Medical Management Plans and Student Health Plans are provided with a regular reminder of the requirement to provide the school with any updates/changes to their child’s health care needs, support needs or medication requirements.

• Parents of children with existing completed Medication Authority forms are provided with a regular reminder of the requirement to provide the school with any updates/changes to their child’s health care needs, support needs or medication requirements.

Medical Authority Form

Loyola College Activities Week (March 4 -8) is approaching. It is important that parents and students are aware that Panadol and other medicines CANNOT be administered to students without permission from a registered AHPRA medical practitioner. Should parents require staff to administer medication, they must complete a completed Medical Authority Form (MAF) signed by a medical practitioner. Without a signed MAF staff are NOT permitted to administer or give permission to students to self-administer any medication. The Medical Authority Form is also required if a student needs to take a medication that they may normally take at home such as tablets for hay fever, travel sickness or Ritalin tablets.

Student Support Health Plans

For students with diagnosed conditions such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis and Diabetes, parents must ensure that an up to date Student Support Health Plan is submitted to the College.

Please note that it is important that all MAF and SHSP are handed in to First Aid or the relevant camp leader (see below) well in advance of the trip. For Activities Week we would request that this information is given to the relevant member of staff by 9.00am on Wednesday 28th February at the latest.

Should you have any queries prior to Activities Week, please make with the relevant person:

Year 7 Camp Leader (Mannix, Flynn, McAuley)Melanie Paino
Year 7 Camp Leader (Chisholm, Xavier, MacKillop)Crystal Delosa
Year 8 Camp Leader

David Ferrante

Year 9 Camp LeaderJacqueline Salamon
Year 11 Christian ServiceJames McIlroy
Year 12 RetreatAdam Calderone
First AidJudy Snellekcz & Amy Freeman

The following forms/policies are available on the College website, Policies and Publications (Care Safety & Welfare of Students) and the parent portal. Parents are asked to print and complete the relevant form and return it to camp convenor when complete.

  • Medical Authority Form (MAF)           Student Health Support plan (SHSP)

Other relevant information includes available on the website includes:

  • Anaphylaxis Policy                               MACS Medical Management Policy
  • Administration of Medication Policy-School Policy.

Alison Leutchford, Acting Principal

Paul Toney, Deputy Principal Staff and compliance

2023 College Dux Address to the School Community

Written by
Pio Abi Raad
2023 College Dux

The following speech was delivered by the 2023 Loyola College Dux – Pio Abi Raad – at the school’s Opening College Assembly on Thursday, 8 February 2023.

Good Afternoon Ms. Leutchford, Staff, and Students,

My journey at Loyola College over the past two years was something I could never have anticipated. The people I met, the adversity I overcame, and the growth I experienced while at this school changed my life completely.

I was just like everyone of you. A young naive student and yet another face in the college who wasn’t entirely sure year after year where I was headed. I still remember watching the Dux speech for the first time in Year 10, very confused about what a Dux was and how the Dux that year and most years seemed to be a Captain of the school. On top of that, coming back to Australia after growing up in Abu Dhabi meant my senior years ran a bit differently to most of you, adjusting to the ‘Aussie’ curriculum whether it was making American spelling mistakes in English class, or picking up how to avoid Mr. Simpson’s efforts to convert me into a Collingwood fan.

At the time everything in my life was changing so fast. But one thing kept me going: discovering how kind, compassionate, and welcoming the people at Loyola College were. The people I met at this school completely changed my life from our first interactions. All the laughs, good times shared at Recess and Lunch and newfound friends I made taught me just how much fun it was to be part of Loyola and really pushed me to be outgoing come Year 12.

I was just like you. Except, the people that believed in me made me the person standing before you today. All the friends, family, loved ones, and support I surrounded myself with became my driving force to achieve well. It no longer became just about pleasing me, I saw every opportunity as a way of making them proud. They made all the difference in the habits and mindset I carried with me throughout the year. So now they deserve their claim to fame.

Shoutout to Massimo and Jason for always making sure I was on track with my workload in all the classes we shared and sticking with me every period of the day. Shoutout to Dante for every friendly competition and for convincing me I could still be the Dux while we would work at Woolies day and night. Shoutout to Maddy for always checking up on me, sending the positivity, and helping me avoid the burnout. Shoutout to George for always bringing humour and genuinely backing my Dux candidacy way before I did.

Shoutout to my best friend Alvin for always spending countless long nights calling over everything and being my inspiration to work and perform at my best. Shoutout to Giulia, for always being by my side going through everything Year 12 had to throw at us. Thanks for all the study sessions and a special Happy 18th Birthday to you! And last but not least, shoutout to all the boys sitting way at the back, and yes as promised you each get a shoutout! To:

DimiNoah Elias



and Alessia

Thanks for every memory we made in Year 12 and making sure I always took time off from working hard to kick back.

So why the long list shoutouts of you may ask? Because in my eyes, there is no Dux without each and every single person.

You see, I was just like you until I met the people I cherish to be my second family.

With this comes my first point:

Choose your surroundings carefully and stay with people who genuinely want to see you blossom into the best version of yourself. There were numerous times where I felt like giving up and throwing the towel in, but seeing the devotion and love my friends attributed to my goals really kept me going.

Now you I can’t go through this speech without giving each one my teachers their flowers.

To Mr. Garzia, thanks for always offering a helping hand on hard math problems and watching the Warriors games with me. To Mr. ‘V Lam’, thank you for believing in my potential well before even I could see it and for your effort to building the renowned Maths Magis Club.

To Mr. Simpson, thank you for brightening my mornings with Mentor everyday, and for bringing me in when I first arrived. And as Wes always preached – ‘Up the Blues!’

To Mrs. George, thank you for being my one and only ‘Bio Mum’, pushing me to teach those around me and making sure I always put 110% into all my work.

To Mrs. Hartigan, thank you for sparking my diligent work ethic by always keeping me and the class on our toes, both academically and literally with all our room changes. But seriously, I’m so grateful for every time you made me see the ‘Messi-like’ potential I had in the Methods cohort.

To Mrs. Murray, thank you for making all my far-fetched aspirations achievable, you always reassured me and pushed me to exceed beyond the limits. With your help, Accounting became second-nature to me.

To Ms. Brudy, thank you for inspiring me to explore in the uncomfortable and discover my own craft. Your kindness in allowing students to meet with you at every free time you had made all the difference in mine – and our class’s success in cementing your first year legacy here as an English Teacher.

To Mrs. Stylli, thank you for helping me see my own potential. Though I never had a favourite Teacher the same way you’d never pick your favourite between us, I always looked forward to Chemistry the most. You perfectly mixed learning and laughter in class, yet always found ways to challenge me with new concepts. Because of you, I became genuinely passionate in the Chemistry I was learning, which was the key to my success.

See I was just like you all, until I finally appreciated the unconditional support of my teachers and mentors.

This gets me to my second point:

If school is like a team sport listening to your coaches is pivotal to doing well.

Your teachers want what’s best for you, so getting told to work ahead of schedule every now and then is just them pushing you to succeed even more. While it may seem tedious in the moment, and trust me I speak from personal experiences, staying persistent the same way you’d show up to practice every week is a big factor in performing once the big assessments arrive and avoiding the excuses. As Mrs Hartigan loved to say, the aim is to train the way you play, find routines that fit you, start off strong, and remember it’s not game day it’s just training. You come to realize that all those scary deadlines become a lot more manageable because of your routines.

But before I go, I have to end with my biggest thank you of all. My family.

Thanks to my Teta, to Amto, to Ann Marie, Maria and to all my cousins and family back in Lebanon. Thanks to my old friends back in Abu Dhabi too. Now, onto my immediate family:

Even though he couldn’t make it today, I have to begin by thanking my Dad: thanks for all your hard work and sacrifices, thanks for being the example I looked up to, and for listening to any ideas or questions I had. Thanks for never setting expectations on me and letting me learn with my own two wings. It’s because you I now fly so high.

To Mum, thank you for all your time and commitment to making sure I was always healthy and happy. You were the inspiration to all my hard work, and the person I wanted to share this with most. You are my pride and joy forever.

To Gab my older brother, thank you for always showing up for me. You are my rock. Whether it was picking me up after late night parties or finding ways to take my mind off school with random trips on the weekends, your one-of-a-kind personality always kept me smiling.

And last but definitely not least,

To Joseph,

My other half and genuine best friend. Thanks for the last 18 years. No one else could’ve pushed me and supported me through this feat other than you. It’s because of you I now stand here celebrating both of our accomplishments, because in my eyes, you are just as much the Dux as I am. Moving halfway across the world was a breeze because I had you by my side always.

See I was just like all of you. But now I walk away with a few more insights on the journey you’ve yet to embark on.

With that comes my third and final point:

Anyone can become the Dux. But in my eyes, it takes one key thing. Above what everyone else thinks, you have to believe in yourself, and you have to want it. I was just like you, until the day I realised the only thing holding me back from achieving all my goals was me. I was no School Captain and didn’t have any [Unit] 3/4s supporting me. Starting the year, the odds were stacked against me.

Yet now I stand in front of you, triumphant with no doubt whatsoever that if you truly put your mind to something and attack it with full faith in yourself, no one can stop you.

Thank you.

Community Engagement

Year 7 Family Get Together

The LPFA once again look forward to welcoming all Year 7 families to a fun filled Year 7 Family Get together. This is a great opportunity to meet other Loyola families. Both students (siblings included) and parents are welcome to attend.

WHEN: Friday, 15 March

TIME: 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm

WHERE: Loyola Companions Hall

Bookings are essential at www.loyola.vic.edu.au/tickets

$15 per family – includes food, drink, ice-cream, games and entertainment (free door entry prize and raffle tickets)

Year 7 Get Together 2024

2024 Presentation Ball Information Night

A Parent and Student information night will be held on Monday, 25 25 at 7.00 pm in the Theatrette (LCH) for Year 11 students who would like to express an interest in participating in the 2024 Presentation Ball.

Interested students and the parents are required to attend this evening. Please register at https://events.humanitix.com/l...

If you do not have a partner at this stage, please feel very welcome to attend the Information Session.

An email will be sent for you to register your expression of interest.

2024 House Masses

We welcome your attendance to our annual House Masses. Year 7 and Year 12 students will be presented at each House Mass.

McAuley House: St. Francis of Assisi - Sunday, 18 February at 10.30am

Mannix House: St. Damian's - Sunday, 25 February at 10.00am

Flynn House: Sacred Heart - Sunday, 3 March at 9.00am

MacKillop House: St. Thomas the Apostle - Sunday, 3 March at 10.30 am

Xavier House: Our Lady of the Way - Sunday, 17 March 9 am

Morning Tours 2024

Morning Tours for 2024 take place from 9.15am – 11.00am on the following dates:

Monday 20 February

Wednesday 20 March

Wednesday 5 June

Thursday 25 July Friday 30 August

Tuesday 17 September

Thursday 10 October

Friday 8 November

Please visit the College website at www.loyola.vic.edu.au to book a Tour.

2024 Tour Dates

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Assistance:

Written by
Darrin Day
Business Manager


The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) offered by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families by reducing the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities, included in the Loyola fees, has been increased to $250 annually.

Families that hold a valid means-tested concession card such as a Health Care Card or Pension Card, temporary foster parents as well as asylum seeker and refugee families may be eligible for the CSEF payment.

Please click here to access the CSEF application form or contact the school office to obtain a copy. For queries regarding eligibility, contact our Finance Department on 9433 0752.

ICT News:

Written by
Victor Dalla-Vecchia
ICT Manager

ICT News


Taking measures to protect oneself against unwanted attention or against criminal activity while working, socialising, emailing, playing or banking online is known as being ‘cybersafe’.

Schools play an obvious part in providing students a range of Internet-based learning opportunities that are engaging as well as safe. But given young people spend a significant proportion of their home time surfing online, socialising or playing games on the Internet, the cyber risks they may be exposing themselves to are more likely to be higher while at home than at school. Consequently, it is important that parents/guardians understand the risks their children face while online.

Over a number of subsequent Ignatian Newsletter issues, I will be exploring some Cybersafety issues that students and parents/guardians need to be aware of. Be prepared to be surprised and even shocked with what is revealed!

Let us start with the first topic: How to block nefarious Internet websites.

Home security products and services

While Loyola College does not endorse/recommend specific home security products or services, for Years 7 – 9 students the FortiClient (https://www.fortinet.com)/) firewall and Internet filtering app is deployed on their school laptop. This provides student devices with cybersecurity protection both at school and at home.

Parents/guardians of Years 10 – 12 students may opt in to have FortClient installed on their child’s device. Please contact the ICT Helpdesk if you are interested in purchasing a licence.

The College is aware that other schools may have used the following products:

Family Zone (https://www.qustodio.com/en/fa...)

Circle (https://meetcircle.com/)

Firewalla (https://firewalla.com/)

These products are not free and are typically offered as a monthly subscription service. The service provider is constantly updating its blacklisted website registry, so that users have access to the most up-to-date protection.

If you have a specific cyber-security question or concern, please contact the ICT Helpdesk.

Excess to be paid on Accidental Damage claims

Please note, Microsoft, under its Terms and Conditions, enforces a $110 (incl. GST) Excess charge for each Surface Laptop Accidental Damage claim made under Microsoft’s policy. Please note that the payment of an excess does not apply to warranty claims.

Please be advised that invoices for Accidental Damage claim Excess payments will be issued by Centorrino Technologies, on Microsoft’s behalf. Once payment has been received, Microsoft will give the approval for the Accidental Damage claim to be processed.

Across Year 7 to 9 Microsoft enforce a strict interpretation of what constitutes ‘accidental damage’. Intentional damage is not covered under the terms of Microsoft’s policy, which includes engraving the student’s name on the laptop. A sticky label should be used, instead. Note that ownership of the device is identified by the device’s serial number, which is registered with Microsoft. Also, please ensure the tough case remains on the device at all times.

Please contact the ICT Helpdesk you have any questions/concerns.

Victor Dalla-Vecchia

ICT Manager