A very warm welcome back to school to our students and families. I hope that everyone is energised and ready for the commencement of Term Two. Term One was a very compact term, being only eight weeks long, and many activities were packed into a short period of time. Term Two is slightly longer and should give students time to really focus on their learning.
Principal Appointment
Included in this newsletter is a message from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools’ Regional General Manager, Marwin Austerberry, regarding the appointment of a principal for our College. When I last communicated with you about this, I emphasised that as a College, our focus remains firmly on our students’ ongoing education, growth, and emotional wellbeing. As we look to the future, a process to formally appoint a new principal will commence shortly. This will ensure the interests of our students and College continue to be served to the highest standard, and I look forward to continuing to serve as Acting Principal during this time.
Anzac Day
A reminder to parents that Thursday 25 April is Anzac Day, which is a public holiday. It is therefore a student free day.
Time in Lieu
Parents may be familiar with the new Catholic Education Multi-Enterprise Agreement (CEMEA) 2022 which has now been fully implemented. The agreement requires teachers be given time in lieu for any activity that runs outside of the normal 38-hour week. Parents would be aware that many staff accompanied students on camps or retreats during Activities Week. These experiences are valued by students and are great opportunities for students to develop resilience and foster positive relationships with other students.
Teachers must now be given time in lieu for the hours outside their normal working day spent on camp. Friday 26 April is the day after Anzac Day. We have decided to make this a student free day, so that time in lieu can be granted to teachers for their work on camp.
Parent Teacher Interviews
After seeking feedback from parents, we have adopted a slightly different model for Parent- Teacher subject interviews. The interviews will take place Online on Wednesday 15 May and then face-to-face on Thursday 16 May. Teachers will then be granted Time in Lieu on Friday 17 May for working across the two evenings.
Australian’s Best Teachers
For the second year in a row News Corp is running Australia’s Best Teachers campaign to recognise inspirational and innovative teachers. The campaign will launch on Sunday 28 April and parents are invited to nominate teachers who they believe have had a significant impact on the lives of their children.
Nominations can be submitted by the link below:
Magis Art Collection
On Tuesday 23 April, the College will hold the official opening of the inaugural Magis Art Collection. The collection is comprised of a series of student works, selected by the principal, that will be displayed in the Via Maxima for the duration of 2024.
I congratulate the following students for having work selected to be part of the exhibition:
Olivia Lawson-12XBAM
Claire Lawson-12XJAR
Laura Greig-8XJGA
Laily Aalders-8XEJS
Benjamin Stefanidis-11KJCU
Isabella Fazzari-11XMCU
Madelaine Dupes-12MMBM
Maya Kowalski-11XEJS
Alannah Tantiongo-11ASRK
Allie Wardle (alumni Peer Year 2023)
Sierra Filippone-11KSSD
Alessia Pipolo-12ASVS
Mackenzie Lavender-12FHPL
Message from Marwin Austerberry, Regional General Manager, Eastern Region MACS
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) will soon begin the process to appoint the position of Principal of Loyola College, following the retirement of former principal, Joseph Favrin.
On behalf on MACS, I take this opportunity to acknowledge Alison Leutchford’s outstanding leadership as Acting Principal over the past two years and thank her for her ongoing support of the Loyola College Community.
I’m delighted to advise that Alison will continue as Acting Principal in the interim.
Marwin Austerberry
Regional General Manager, Eastern Region
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools
House Athletics Carnival
2024 House Athletics Carnival – Monday, 29 April
On Monday April 29, 2024, Loyola College will host its annual Inter-House Athletics Carnival at Meadowglen International Athletics Stadium. Students are expected to arrive at school as per usual, that is, before 8.25am. Students will be transported to and from the venue by bus.
This is a compulsory school day and all students are expected to attend. Those students who do not attend must bring a medical certificate upon their return to school to explain their absence.
Parents/carers wishing to attend the Carnival as a spectator are welcome to do so and will be asked to sit in the assigned parent zone. For safety reasons, and as part of the College’s Child Safety protocols, parents/carers will not be permitted to sit with their child in the House areas.
At the conclusion of the event, students will be return back to Loyola College via bus. However, there is the opportunity for students to be dismissed from the venue if this is a preferred option for parents/carers. If students are taking this option, we will require a note from parents/carers giving permission for this to occur. This permission note can be found in the attached document which also contains important information regarding uniform, mobile pones/devices, food & drink and more. All parents are kindly asked to read the attached letter below, in full for further information.
Teaching & Learning
As the community are already aware, the School has made some slight changes to our Reporting System and Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs) this Semester.
Term 1 presented unique challenges with it being a relatively short term alongside our usual Activities Week. In light of this, we made adjustments to our reporting process and PTIs to ensure that we provide you with comprehensive feedback on your child's progress while accommodating these changes effectively.
Reports will be available to parents / carers through the Parent Portal from 23 April.
ALL (both interim and end of Semester) reports will only be available online. Therefore, it is recommended that parents /guardians print a hard copy or save the report as a PDF if they would like to refer to it during the Parent-Teacher Interviews.
Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs):
The purpose of these Interviews is to discuss the learning that has occurred so far this Semester and, in particular, look at the academic successes and challenges that your child may have encountered so far this year.
Dates & Times:
• Wednesday 15 May: 5:00pm to 8:00pm - Online through MS Teams (teachers will make contact with parent and student by ringing the student)
• Thursday 16 May: 2:00pm to 8:30pm - Face to Face at Loyola College (students dismissed at 1:15pm)
In response to parent feedback, Year 12 parents will get earlier access to bookings.
• Open Wednesday 1 May at 7pm (Y12)
• Open Thursday 2 May at 7pm (Y7-12)
• Close Tuesday 14 May at 1pm (Y7-12)
• LCH (H032 on your booking list): All subjects with the exception of below
• Portable Classrooms (T1-7 on your booking list): Maths & Science
• iCentre (L069 on your booking list): Humanities
Appointments will last for 7 minutes with 2 minutes provided to move from one appointment to another.
If the occasion arises whereby parents / carers miss the 2-week window, then they are asked to contact staff directly. Please do not ask staff on reception to book appointments for you.
How You Can Prepare: As we approach the scheduled PTIs, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your child's academic journey so far this year. Consider any questions or concerns you may have regarding their progress, as these PTIs provide an invaluable opportunity to address them directly with your child's teachers.
Clarification for Online Appointments (Wednesday 15 May 5.00pm – 8.00pm):
• Your interview schedule will be the same as it is when the interview is face to face.
• The interview will occur on MS Teams using your child’s Loyola account.
• At the scheduled time, the teacher will ring the student on their MS Teams account – please be available to receive the call.
• If unanswered, the teacher will call for a second time during the designated appointment time.
• If the call is still unanswered, then the teacher will not attempt to call again.
• Interviews will last for 7 minutes with a 2 minute gap before the next one
• We acknowledge some families have special circumstances. If both parents wish to attend these Conversations, we ask that you make one mutually agreed interview time.
• If you are unable to attend together, but both still wish to meet with your child’s Subject Teacher, please make an alternative time directly with your child’s Subject Teacher.
Ignatian Mission & Identity
Understanding ANZAC Day Through the Lens of Compassion and Sacrifice
Every year on April 25th, Australians and New Zealanders gather to commemorate ANZAC Day. This solemn day honours the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli against the Ottoman Empire during World War I. ANZAC Day has since evolved to recognise all who served and died in military operations for their countries. Amidst the dawn services, parades, and reflective commemorations, there is a profound connection to the themes of sacrifice, service, and peace — principles deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus.
The Story of ANZAC Day
The Gallipoli Campaign in 1915 was one of the Allies' greatest military failures and one of the most heartbreaking campaigns of World War I. Despite this, it became a defining moment for both Australia and New Zealand, shaping their national consciousness and fostering a sense of brotherhood and resilience. The day was first commemorated in 1916 and, over time, has incorporated the remembrance of all Australian and New Zealand soldiers who died in military service.
Parallels with the Teachings of Jesus
In many ways, ANZAC Day reflects the messages that Jesus imparted through His own life and death. Central to Jesus' message:
- Sacrifice and Love: Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross, where he gave his life for the redemption of humanity, resonates deeply on ANZAC Day. The soldiers who landed at Gallipoli and fought under gruelling conditions did so out of a sense of duty and love for their homeland. Their sacrifice laid the foundations for the freedoms enjoyed by future generations, a poignant reflection of Christ’s teachings about laying down one's life for one's friends.
- Service and Compassion: Jesus taught and lived a life of service, showing compassion to the marginalized and healing the sick. The ANZACs served their countries with the belief that their actions would contribute to a larger cause of peace and freedom. This service, often rendered in treacherous conditions, required immense perseverance and compassion, traits that Jesus deeply valued.
- Peace and Forgiveness: After His resurrection, one of Jesus' first messages to His followers was about peace. He said, “Peace be with you”. Similarly, ANZAC Day is not just a day of mourning but also a day for reflecting on the necessity of peace and the importance of reconciliation with former enemies. The spirit of forgiveness and moving forward has transformed former battlegrounds into places of shared memories and mutual respect among nations.
Reflecting on Our Actions
As we commemorate ANZAC Day, it is essential to reflect on how we embody these values in our daily lives. Are we willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of others? Do we serve our communities with compassion and without seeking recognition? How do we contribute to peace and understanding in our interactions?
This ANZAC Day, let us each reflect on how we can incorporate these enduring values into our daily lives, ensuring that the sacrifices of the past were not in vain and that we continue to work towards a world characterised by peace and understanding.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Assistance
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) offered by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families by reducing the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities, included in the Loyola fees, has been increased to $250 annually.
Families that hold a valid means-tested concession card such as a Health Care Card or Pension Card, temporary foster parents as well as asylum seeker and refugee families may be eligible for the CSEF payment.
Please click here to access the CSEF application form or contact the school office to obtain a copy. For queries regarding eligibility, contact our Finance Department on 9433 0752.
Homework Club
All students from Year 7-12 are welcome to attend Homework Club to access homework assistance in any subject.
Staff will assist students as much as possible even if they don’t teach the subject that students require assistance for.
Here are the important details:
Every Tuesday from 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Every Wednesday from 3.20pm - 4.20pm
The College Library (iCentre)
Teachers assisting are:
• Mr Kuhlmann
• Ms Licciardo
• Ms Belfiore
• Mr Brasier
• Mr Lynch
• Ms Stylli
• Mr Stanton
• Mr Cocks
Please make use of this fantastic opportunity - we can’t wait to welcome you!

Visual Arts Triennial Excursion
The VCE Art Creative Practice students from years 11 and 12 had the opportunity to visit the NGV last week, as part of a Visual Arts excursion, viewing the Top Arts 2023 exhibition and the Triennial international contemporary art exhibition. Both the Year 11 and Year 12 students were engaged in a talk about how the top Victorian Art students of 2023 achieved great results, viewed their works, then had the opportunity to look at their folios - giving a rare insight into the creative process behind the artworks of these high-achieving students.
Our students then immersed themselves in the innovative art of the Triennial Exhibition, using 'interpretive lenses' from the study design to analyse the ideas, techniques and aesthetic decisions behind the making of the monumental sculptures, intriguing installations, and large-scale wall works displayed over three floors of the international gallery.
The opportunity offered to our students to experience art 'in the real' like this is invaluable. Melbourne offers an incredible opportunity for students studying visual arts to experience authentic artworks in world class gallery contexts; and Loyola College has supported our seniors in taking advantage of this. We could see how enthralled the students were to walk around, through - and sometimes over (!) - works of this significance - a fantastic way for them to understand the additional layers of meaning that context and scale adds to an art-viewing experience.
We are excited to see how this inspiration will manifest in the classroom - and look forward to sharing the results of this with our community at the Art Exhibition later this year!
Community Engagement
Open Day
Each year, our annual Open Day provides us with a great opportunity to welcome guests into our school and share with them all the things that make Loyola College special. This year’s event will take place on Sunday, 5 May from 1.00pm – 4.00pm. If you know of family or friends who are interested in joining the Loyola College Community in the coming years, please advise them to register their attendance to this event online by clicking HERE. A reminder to parents that to assist us with setup and preparations for this event, all students will be dismissed early at 2.45pm on Friday, 3 May.

Annual Parent Dinner at Iggy’s Student Restaurant
A reminder that bookings are now open for the Annual Parent Dinner – Canapes with Class. This event supports our Hospitality Students as they continue their training and industry experiences across a variety of restaurant settings. All parents are warmly invited to attend this dinner which will take place at Iggy’s Restaurant on Thursday, 2 May from 6.00pm. Booking are essential and tickets can be purchased online HERE for $40.

Mother & Son Breakfast – Celebrating Mother’s Day
Limited tickets are still available for the Mother & Son Breakfast to be held in the Functions Room on Tuesday, 7 May at 7.15am. Bookings are essential online HERE for a $20 donation + booking fee. Proceeds of donations go to Good Samaritan Inn.

LPFA Working Bee
Thank you to the parents and staff who attended the Working Bee last Saturday. The sun shone beautifully as gardens were prepared for Open Day and showbags put together for our Feeder School Visits. Everybody’s hard work concluded with a delicious lunch at Two Wolves Hub and provided a great opportunity for parents to catch up after a busy morning.
The next Working Bee is scheduled for Saturday, 27 July from 9.00am – 12.00pm and will once again conclude with lunch at 11.30am. Parents interested in attending the Working Bee should contact Monica Agius on 9433 0228 or email lpfa@loyola.vic.edu.au
Homestay Volunteers – Jesus Good Shepherd School, Philippines
We will be welcoming seven students from Jesus Good Shepherd School in the Philippines from 1- 15 September for a short-term cultural experience. For this program we will be looking for families to volunteer homestay accommodation for these students. The visiting students will shadow their host brother or sister at Loyola for the duration of the stay and host families may arrange outings for outside of school hours. These visits provide a rewarding, learning experience for both guests and families, offering opportunities to learn about and experience culture, language and friendship.
Interested families should see the flyer below and contact Monica Agius for more information on 9433 0228 or email community@loyola.vic.edu.au
Maytime Fair
Xavier House and the Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA) will once again be supporting the Maytime Fair at Xavier College by running a hot jam donut stand. The Fair will also include entertainment for parents and children with a huge array of food, music, rides, arts, crafts, games, a wine auction, sport, face painting, showbags and more. This year’s Maytime Fair will be held on Saturday 4 May from 9.00am – 5.00pm.
Proceeds from this annual event support Jesuit Missions and every year, Loyola College happily participates in this wonderful day. We look forward to seeing many Loyola families at the Fair – which always proves a fun day for all. Thank you to the parents and students who have volunteered to run the stall.
Community News