VCE Course Guide

VCE Studies

VCE Studies

‘Empowered to Be More.’

The information below provides an overview of the VCE curriculum and the subjects available for students. It is intended as a guide for families to help understand the VCE curriculum and with submitting subject preferences. This guide should be used in conjunction with family discussion as well as discussions with teachers, Learning Pathways Faculty and other students as appropriate.

This guide includes several sections:

Subject preferences submission process:

A link and instructions will be sent via email to parents with information on how to submit subject preferences. These are completed online. Students are asked to nominate reserve subjects, and these should be considered carefully as occasionally these are allocated dependent on timetable requirements. Students will have completed Morrisby Testing in Year 10 and had a follow up conversation with a Learning Pathways Counsellor to help guide their preferences. When submitting subject preferences, an understanding of possible courses and careers is important. Career and course advice is available from the Learning Pathways team located in the iCentre.

Subject Selection Timeline

Year 10 & 11 2024 into Year 11 & 12 2025

2024 DateEventDetails

Tuesday 6 August


Pre-V and VCE VM Information EveningThe evening will include specific details about the Pre-V and VCE VM Program.
Thursday 8 AugustYear 10 Subject Selection AssembliesSubject Information Presentation regarding subjects and pathways will be made available
Friday 9 AugustYear 11 Subject Selection AssembliesSubject Information Presentation regarding subjects and pathways will be made available 
Tuesday 13 August


Senior Subject Selection EveningThe Senior Subject Selection Evening is an opportunity for parents and students to gain valuable insights into the subject offerings for the 2025 academic year and beyond
Tuesday 13 August


Web Preferences Portal Opens

Web Preference Link

Student's can start entering their subjects' preferences for 2025

16-19 August

Current Year 10 Subject Selection ConversationsStudents to meet with Learning Pathways staff to discuss subjects for 2025
Tuesday 27 AugustWeb Preferences Portal Closes 5:00pm

Students are to have submitted their subject preferences for 2025

Curriculum Pathways:

VCE students have three pathways available to them:

  • VCE
  • VCE VM
  • Accelerated Units 3 & 4 (Year 11 invite only)

VCE Overview 

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is the certificate that the majority of students in Victoria receive on satisfactory completion of their secondary education. The VCE provides diverse pathways to further study or training at university or TAFE and to employment.

Students at Loyola College complete their VCE studies primarily over their last two years of secondary schooling. VCE studies are broken into units which are completed over one semester each. For example, English Units 1 and 2 are completed in Year 11 and English Units 3 and 4 are completed in Year 12. 

Students typically complete: 

  • Year 11: Six Subjects of Units 1 and 2 plus Religion unit 2 (including English)
  • Year 12: Five Subjects of Units 3 and 4 (undertaken as a sequence together) 
  • Students in Year 12 must undertake one of the following for their Religious Education component: 
    • Year 12 RE electives (a different elective each term for Terms 1-3)
    • Unit 3/4 Religion and Society plus three RE electives 

Successful application to complete a Units 1 and 2 VCE subject in Year 10 does not guarantee a student will proceed to Units 3 and 4 in Year 11. Students must maintain a high standard which is evaluated the preceding year. As noted previously, the application process for acceleration is separate to the online preference submission. Students should complete their on-line preferences and the separate application for acceleration without making any assumptions about the success of acceleration.

Any student wishing to complete a VCE subject outside of Loyola College must seek approval from Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning. This includes students wishing to study a language not offered at Loyola College.

It is important to limit significant alterations to VCE sequences. In accordance with this, students will have the chance to reassess their course at the conclusion of Units 1 and 2 and modify one of their potential sequences. Students will, by the very nature of VCE Units 3 and 4, have a reduced program (an English plus 4 other subjects and Religious Education). Consequently, no subject changes will be allowed between Units 1 and 2.

VCE Subject Offerings: 

In VCE, students have more choice with regards to the subjects they study, as their entire program becomes the Victorian Certificate of Education, governed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Students at Loyola College are required to complete the following subjects.

VCE VM Overview

The VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) recognises vocational and applied learning pathways as equivalent to the VCE but provides a more hands-on and vocational learning context for students in Years 11 and 12. It offers students enhanced flexibility to pursue their interests and strengths, while honing the skills essential for success in further education, employment, and life.

Students who undertake the VCE VM are more likely to be interested in transitioning to:

  • Apprenticeship or traineeship
  • Further education and training
  • University, through alternative entry programs
  • Going straight into the workforce

Note: VCE VM students may still be able to access university, however this will need to be through alternate entry programs that don’t require an ATAR

Certification: Completing the VCE VM requirements means that students have also completed the requirements of the VCE. Upon satisfactory completion of the VCE VM, students receive recognition through the appellation of ‘Vocational Major’ on their Victorian Certificate of Education and Statement of Results.

When students leave Loyola College, they will receive:

  • Statement of Results from the VCAA
  • Statement of Attainment from their VET training provider
  • VET qualification
  • Victorian Certificate of Education with the additional words ‘Vocational Major’.

Religious Education Program

Year 11 Religious Education
Year 12 Religious Education

Personal Development Program

Year 11 Personal Development
Year 12 Personal Development


Year 11 Sport
Year 12 Sport


English Language
English EAL


Mathematics - Foundation
Mathematics - General
Mathematics - Methods
Mathematics - Specialist


Systems Engineering


Ancient History
Business Management
Legal Studies
Modern History & Revolutions



Health and Physical Education

Health & Human Development
Outdoor Education Unit 3 & 4 Only
Physical Education

Performing Arts

Music Performance
Theatre Studies

Product Design & Technology

Food Studies


Applied Computing Unit 1 & 2
Data Analytics
Software Development

Visual Arts

Art Creative Practice
Art Making and Exhibiting
Visual Communication & Design

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Vocational Education and Training (VET) refers to enhanced studies which enables a secondary student to combine their VCE or VCE VM studies with vocational training. They are Certificate Courses, some of which can also count as VCE subjects and can contribute to a student’s ATAR at Unit 3/4 level. Students should only enter any VET program at the commencement of a calendar year and must commence the VET program at Unit 1 level to complete the full certificate. Students are discouraged from entering a Year 12 (Unit 3/4) VET program, as they can only achieve partial completion of the course and would not be awarded the certificate qualification. Loyola College presently offers three scored VET programs. The Unit 3/4 VET subjects offered on site at Loyola College are subjects that have VCAA prescribed examinations and therefore a student will achieve a study score for the VET subject if they sit the examination. Unit 1/2 VET subjects offered at Loyola have Semester examinations.

Why do students choose to undertake VET as part of their Senior Secondary Certificate?

VET offers students the opportunity to:

  • Combine general and vocational studies
  • Explore career options and pathways
  • Undertake applied learning in an adult learning environment
  • Gain a nationally recognised qualification or credit towards a qualification that contributes to satisfactory completion of the VCE or VCE VM

Assessment of VET subject

As vocational education and training is competency-based, all VET students must demonstrate ongoing progress in their VET study using a combination of assessment tasks. For VCE/VET subjects, these may include:

  • Portfolio
  • Work Performance
  • Work Project
  • Work Product
  • Examination
VCE VET Hospitality
VCE VET Screen & Media
VCE VET Sport & Recreation

Accelerated Program Overview

Successful application to complete a Units 1 and 2 VCE subject in Year 10 does not guarantee a student will proceed to Units 3 and 4 in Year 11. Students must maintain a high standard which is evaluated the preceding year. 

As noted previously, the application process for acceleration is separate to the online preference submission. Students should complete their on-line preferences and the separate application for acceleration without making any assumptions about the success of acceleration.

Accelerated Subjects