Study Course Guide

Year 7-12 Course Guides

Welcome to Our Course Guide

‘Empowered to Be More’

Loyola College is committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive Catholic Community rooted in the Ignatian tradition, where every member is valued and encouraged to contribute meaningfully to the College community. Following the Ignatian tradition, the College prioritises the holistic development and growth of each individual through a diverse range of educational experiences.

This Course Guide serves as a compass for students and parents, providing information about their curriculum, including available pathways and subjects. Serving as an essential resource, it aims to compliment and work alongside the students’ aspirations and interests. Students are encouraged to seek guidance from teachers, parents, or experienced individuals.

With an extensive curriculum offering pathways and subjects such as the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), and the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM), Loyola College endeavours to provide a rich educational journey for all our students, ‘empowering them to be more’ in pursuit of their aspirations.

At Loyola College, a dedicated and experienced staff is committed to nurturing each student's potential, fostering a culture of excellence, respect, and collaboration among students, and creating an environment conducive to learning and growth.

With the exception of Year 7 students, all students are required to select their chosen pathways through their electives. The information in this Course Guide is designed to aid students make informed decisions about the subjects they will select during their time at Loyola College. Success in this, requires careful consideration and informed decision-making, with students advised to thoroughly review available subjects, prerequisites, and unit descriptions to align with their future aspirations.

Kathryn Wilson
Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning 

Select your program level below to begin: