Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Editon #4

Student Voice

Written by
Loyola College Committee

Hello this is the 2024 McAuley House captains, Patrick and Summer. 

Throughout our journey during this year, we have seen our fellow students strive to be the best version of themselves each day. We started 2024 on a bit of a rocky start when we came fourth in the annual House Reading Challenge. Days later, we leaped into the pool for the House Swimming Carnival. Compared to previous years, this year introduced a new and inviting opportunity for our year 9s to step up and become role models for our year 7s and 8s. This meant that only selected senior students were invited to the carnival to participate in specific events. Despite our reputation, McAuley house came fourth place, beating Manix and McKillop house!!! Well done everyone for trying our hardest and a special thanks to students that volunteered to jump in on the day.

We then finally started McAuley House Mentor Challenge, where individuals from each mentor across different year groups competed against other mentors for points to ultimately win the grand prize. This week, we played Jenga. As selected students quickly played, it created an exciting and energetic atmosphere that was full of encouragement as well as a little bit of friendly banter.

We were then gifted with a temporary break from studying during Activities Week. All the year 7s travelled to Marysville, the year 8s travelled to Queenscliff, the year 9s travelled to Torquay, the year 10s stayed at school and had a careers week, the year 11s commenced Christian Service and the year 12s travelled to Point Lonsdale, Queenscliff or Anglesea for retreat. As a fellow year 12, Activities Week will be a highlight for this year as it was an opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and make some new friends.

With only a few weeks to go, tests, assignments, sacs and sats are starting to creep up on everyone, including the annual House Eisteddfod on the 26th of March. This year, McAuley House is pleased to announce our play, High School Musical!!!! With only a few weeks until the performance, we are all super excited to see the final result after weeks of practice.

Finally, we would like to Thank everyone for their participation and hard work throughout term 1 and we wish everyone good luck for any final assessments until the end of term.

Go McAuley house!

Your McAuley House Captains:

Summer and Patrick.

Student Of The Week:

This fortnight's student of the week goes to Olivia Juka, 11AMSG. Olivia has demonstrated outstanding leadership within the House at both House swimming and especially House Eisteddfod. Olivia has really stepped up and contributed her positive energy and love for performing arts to make enormous contributions to the planning and production of McAuley’s Eisteddfod. Hard work does not go unnoticed, and we want to thank Olivia for her dedication to the house.