Pastoral Care
Our student wellbeing policies, structures and programs assist in the creation of an environment in which young people feel connected to school life and come to acknowledge, reflect on and understand the value of being young people of competence, conscience and compassion.
The development of connectedness in a positive school environment is supported by our Mentor and Student Personal Development programs. These programs assist in the development of positive relationships, self-esteem, conflict resolution and other aspects of personal growth.
The College has a well-structured student management process that recognises the rights and responsibilities of all members in the school community. This structure is underpinned by the philosophy of Restorative Practices and is aligned with the framework of Positive Psychology through an Ignatian Lens.
Restorative Practices embraces a discipline which encompasses clear expectations, boundaries and consequences, responsibility and accountability for one’s actions, as well as a high degree of support and nurturing.
It is based on the belief that when relationships are harmed we must work with all involved to restore the relationships. We view quality relationships as pivotal to good teaching and learning, and that the relationship between the teacher, student and parent is paramount to positive change.
House System
Loyola College has a vertical pastoral care system with Year 7 to Year 12 students belonging to one of six Houses. Upon arrival, students are placed into one of the Houses and are allocated to a vertical Mentor group.
The Houses are as follows:

The Head of House maintains an overview of all wellbeing matters within the House, including the overall monitoring of student academic progress. The Mentor teacher is responsible for the day to day care of their students, and is directly involved with issues as they arise.
Student Services
As part of Loyola College’s commitment to the wellbeing of students, the Student Services Department assists all students in their ongoing social, emotional and academic developments.
The Student Services Department is structured into threecore service areas, namely:
- Learning Support
- Counselling Services
- First Aid
1. Learning Support
Our Learning Support Team includes Special Education Teachers and Learning Support Officers.
Students who qualify for funding to support their learning through the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) are supported through the development of Personalised Learning Plans. This program enables students with special learning needs to access the curriculum and manage their learning, thus supporting them to reach their full potential.
The Learning Support Team acts as an advocate for the students, liaising with teachers and parents to ensure the wellbeing of those in their care.
2. Counselling Services
As part of Loyola College’s commitment to the wellbeing of students, the College employs Counsellors whose goal is to improve the educational achievement and the social and emotional development of students.
Our counsellors are suitably qualified and registered with their appropriate professional body and are bound by the code of ethics and guidelines of their profession. This ensures that the highest standard of service is provided.
Services available include:
- A range of psycho-educational assessments for students who are experiencing difficulties which impact on their capacity to learn.
- Individual counselling for students.
- Consultation and support for teachers in helping students to achieve their learning potential, and supporting students during difficult times.
- Consultation with parents regarding learning, behavioural, social or emotional concerns for their child.
- Referral to external support services and specialist assessment / treatment services.
- Involvement in the development of school-wide policies and practices on wellbeing related issues.
The counselling process, including limits to confidentiality, are discussed with all students prior to commencing counselling. There may be instances where complete confidentiality is not appropriate or possible, or in situations where the student’s safety is deemed to be at risk if the information is not released. In these cases, the psychologist will disclose the necessary information to relevant Senior Staff to avert risk.
3. First Aid
Loyola College has the facilities to provide basic first aid. Once seen, if a student cannot return to scheduled classes, parents are contacted to make arrangements to collect their child.
The Sport Injury Protocol is activated when students are involved in minor or major accidents during the ASC Sport Program.
Learning Pathways
Making decisions about future career development is exciting, but can also be difficult for some young people. Loyola College aims to help smooth this path by providing assistance to students to think through possible pathways, to gather information, and to prepare and implement relevant action plans for their career development.
The services available through the Learning Pathways Department include but are not limited to:
- Identifying Future Pathways.
- Job Ready Skills.
- Career Testing.
- Subject Selection Support.
In order to access all the latest information to assist with making decisions about a future career and a life beyond school, visit Loyola College Careers online.
Parish Liaison
The role of the Parish Liaison is one important expression of our conviction that home, school and parish are partners in education.
Welcoming new families into the community, providing pastoral support in times of need, and promoting parental involvement in the life and activities of the College are all ways we seek to strengthen and maintain links between home, school and parish.
This ministry supports the facilitation and provision of support programs and educational programs for parents. Where appropriate, we provide opportunities for parents to gather for quiet prayer and reflection, as well as for Retreats. Students are offered the opportunity to undertake the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (R.C.I.C) program which supports the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation).