Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #3

Student Voice

Written by
Loyola College Committee

Hello parents, staff, students and the wider College community. Our names are Shireen and Noah, and we are the 2024 College Captains.

We wanted to officially welcome you all to the new year! Hopefully everyone had a relaxing summer break and has settled in well over the last couple of weeks, despite those rough early starts! We would like to extend a special welcome to our new Year 7 families and new families joining our community across all year levels. We hope that you have all had a smooth transition into the College. We look forward to seeing and working with everyone throughout the year.

Our goals this year is to really emphasise the importance of the connections between students, staff, and the wider Loyola Community as well as to focus on and promote a love for learning.

We aim to represent the student voice in the College as we believe leaders are the bridge that increases the connections between students, staff and the community.

Along with positive connections, we want to encourage a love for learning into our school lives. We believe that when you are passionate about what you are learning, this will bring about both academic success and an enjoyment to be at school.

We hope to introduce new initiatives and traditions which hopefully continue through the following years, working with different faculties of the school to increase positive involvement and connectivity.

As always, Term 1 has been packed with heaps of exciting events. To begin the year, we had the Year 7 picnic and the Year 12 Breakfast to celebrate students’ first and last years at Loyola. Last week we had the annual House Swimming Carnival and every Friday evening House Eisteddfod rehearsals have been keeping everyone busy. Also coming up we have Activities Week! We hope that everyone enjoys their respective Year Level camps/events as these are always a great experience and a fantastic way to form new connections and friendships.

A Fun Fact, for those who don’t know already from our assemblies, Shireen loves a good Harry Potter quote! Here is her version of Dumbledore’s famous words, “Help will always be given at Loyola to those who ask for it.” So please feel free to come up to or contact us, as well as your LSC representatives and House and Co-Curriculum Leaders, with any suggestions, questions, or just to chat!

We both look forward to working with everyone as we embark on the exciting year that 2024 will turn out to be. Together, let’s give it our best shot, strive to achieve our goals and bring out the best in ourselves, each other and our community.

Thank you everyone and we’ll see you around!

Noah and Shireen,

2024 College Captains

We would like to award the “Student of the Fortnight” to… Madelaine Dupes (12MMBM)!!

Madi, your initiative in taking time out to help us with organising the Class of 2024 Jumpers has been spectacular! Your input with the design process has been really helpful and we thank you for your kindness and willingness to help others.