Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #5

Community Engagement

Written by
Monica Agius
College & Community Engagement Assistant

Year 7 Family Get Together

It was great to see Loyola Companions Hall filled with some 80 excited Year 7 families who gathered to share an evening to get to know one another at the Year 7 Family Get Together earlier this month. The evening commenced with a welcome from Mrs Alison Leutchford (Acting Principal), Mr Mark Monteneri (LPFA President) and Mr Matthew Luczek (Director of College and Community Engagement), who also kept the crowd entertained with model building games and a Loyola Quiz. Parents had the opportunity to meet their child’s new friends and their parents; and the students had a great night socialising with their friends outside of school. Families also enjoyed a pizza dinner followed by choc tops for dessert. Thank you to the Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA) who worked hard to ensure the evening was a great success.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #% Yr 7 Family Get Together (1)
Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Yr 7 Family Get Together (2)

Homestays Required – Short Term Cultural Experience Visits

This year we are expecting 9 students from Liceo Malpighi in Bologna from 23 July – 11 August and 7 students from Jesus Good Shepherd School in the Philippines from 1- 15 September. We are currently looking for families to volunteer homestay accommodation for nine students aged 15-16 years during for the Italian student visit and seven students in September. Visiting students will shadow their host brother or sister at Loyola for the duration of the stay and host families may arrange outings for outside of school hours.
A dinner will be held to thank host families for their support of this program and for providing our visiting students with a rewarding experience prior to the conclusion of each visit.
Interested families can contact Monica Agius at community@loyola.vic.edu.au or 9433 0228 for more information.

Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Community Engagement Italian Homestay flyer
Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Community Engagement Philippines Homestay flyer

Upcoming Events
A reminder to parents that bookings for the Canapes with Class parent dinner and the Mother and Son breakfast, both to be held in May, open on Monday 15 April. Parents are encouraged to take note of this date to and secure their place at www.loyola.vic.edu.au/tickets at the following events:

Canapes with Class Parent Dinner

Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Community Engagement Canapes with Class flyer

Tickets on sale Monday 15 April at 7Pm

Mother & Son Breakfast

Ignatian 2024: Edition #5 Community Engagement Mother & Son Breakfast

Tickets on sale Monday 15 April at 7PM

Elite Performance Grant

The Loyola Friends and Parents Association (LPFA), generously support young achievers in their pursuit of elite Sport or Performing Arts endeavours each year at the College. Students are given the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $500.00 to put towards their travel expenses and costs for major competitions in which they are competing. Students can apply for this grant at any time of the year. There are four sporting grants available.
For more information about this grant please contact Monica Agius at community@loyola.vic.edu.au or 9433 0228.