Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #5

Principal's Report

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

End of Term One

As we approach the Easter holiday, I want to take a moment to wish each one of our families a happy and safe holiday. Easter is a time for reflection, renewal, and hope, and it is my hope that families find joy and peace at this special time. Easter is a celebration of new beginnings, and I encourage students to take the opportunity to reflect on the past term and to set new goals. Whether it is personal or academic, Easter is a time to focus on positive change and growth.

We have had a successful Term One, filled with academic achievements, co-curricular and community activities. I would like to express my gratitude to the various members of our community who through their hard work, dedication and commitment to the Loyola community have provided such a wide range of experiences for our students.

Students in Years 7 and 9 have now completed their 2024 NAPLAN testing. I thank Mrs Kathryn Wilson, Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning, for her organisation of this huge undertaking. The testing proceeded smoothly, attendance was strong, and we look forward to receiving the feedback from this testing period.

NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment, that allows parents and schools to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy, against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. The data from NAPLAN is one of the tools that teachers use to understand our students’ progress and plan for their teaching and learning.

House Eisteddfod
On Tuesday 26 March, our six Houses took to the stage to “battle it out” in our annual House Eisteddfod. Each House performance was of an amazing standard and the energy and enthusiasm on stage was palpable. Congratulations to Flynn House for achieving first place with their production of School of Rock.

Involvement in activities such as House Eisteddfod provide students with the opportunity to build social connection, foster leadership, work as a team, build communication skills and learn time management. Additionally, students are given the chance to explore their passions, discover hidden talents, try something new and develop a well-rounded perspective on life. Parents are encouraged to have a conversation with students around the co-curriculum opportunities at the College, as these opportunities develop the whole person.

Thank you to Mrs Shannon Staub, Head of Co-curriculum, for her coordination of this highly successful event. I also thank the Friends of Performing Arts (FOPA) for their organisation of both the sausage sizzle and the raffle. FOPA are full of energy and drive, and we are grateful for their contribution to our community.

Year 7 Family Get Together
The Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA) organised the annual Year 7 family get together on Friday 15 March. Over three hundred people were in attendance. Families enjoyed pizza, ice-cream, great conversation and the opportunity to participate in Mr Luczek’s Loyola trivia competition! There was a great buzz in the room as parents learnt more about Loyola, made connections and shared stories. Thanks to the LPFA for their organisation of this evening.

Blessing and Groundbreaking
After much preparation time, the College is finally ready to commence building our new STEM facility. Newton Manor have been engaged as our builders and architects ClarkeHopkinsClarke will support Loyola in the management of the building project.

On Tuesday 19 March, the College hosted a Blessing and Groundbreaking ceremony. This event marked a significant leap forward for Loyola students in the world of Science and Technology.
Groundbreaking ceremonies are not just about physical construction, they symbolise breaking boundaries and shattering limitations. The facility aims to revolutionise scientific education in our community- Science, Maths, Systems Technology, Digital Design and Communication, as well as emerging technologies such robotics and coding, will all be revitalised and transformed in this new and contemporary learning space.

This new centre will link the MacKillop Building to the iCentre. It will be a hub to unite our STEM disciplines and a catalyst to reimagine our teaching. The powerful combination of thoughtful programs, effective teaching and deliberately designed academic spaces will endeavour to shape Loyola students into creative problem solvers and highly effective critical thinkers.

Through their learning and experience in this new facility, we hope our students will become world citizens prepared to orchestrate positive change throughout the world – this is indeed what it means to be educated in an Ignatian tradition – we grow the gifts and talents of our students and then empower them to use their gifts in the service of others.