Ignatian Newsletter: 2025 - Edition #2

From the Principal

Written by
Alison Leutchford

Mentor Conversations

On Tuesday, 11 February parents would have received information regarding the upcoming Mentor Conversation evening. This year, we have implemented a new model aimed at enhancing engagement from our parents.

In response to feedback from families, we will also be offering several half-hour sessions that will run concurrently with the mentor conversations throughout the afternoon and evening. A schedule of these sessions, including their respective times, can be found below.




3.00pm – 3.30pm

Conversations with the Principal and School Captains

Boardroom (Old Loyola)

3.30pm - 4.00pmCDFPay & Our New STEM Centre (No booking required)MPAC Foyer

4.30pm – 5.00pm

Conversation with the Principal and School Captains

Boardroom (Old Loyola)

5.00pm – 5.30pm

Positive Parents: Supporting the Anxious Generation


5.30pm – 6.00pm

Technology (including A.I) & its Place in Learning


Between 5.30pm – 6.00pm

ACS Sport (No booking required)

LCH Foyer

Between 5.30pm – 6.00pm

Learning a Musical Instrument @ Loyola (No booking required)

LCH Foyer

6.00pm – 6.45pm

Year 7 – Learning & Living


6.00pm – 6.30pm

Year 12 – The Final Straight


6.00pm – 6.30pm

Lifting Your Literacy (Helping your child)


6.30pm – 7.00pm

Supporting your Child’s ‘Maths Mojo’


Between 6.30pm – 7.15pm

CDFPay & Our New STEM Centre (No booking required)

MPAC Foyer

Between 6.30pm – 7.15pm

Careers (No booking required)

MPAC Foyer

Between 6.30pm – 7.15pm

Digital Device Support (No booking required)


Between 6.45pm – 7.15pm

ACS Sport (No booking required)

LCH Foyer

Between 6.45pm – 7.15pm

Learning a Musical Instrument @ Loyola (No booking required)

LCH Foyer

7.00pm – 7.30pm

Year 9 Camp & Personal Development


7.15pm – 7.45pm

Positive Parents: Supporting the Anxious Generation


7.30pm – 8.00pm

Year 8 Camp


7.30pm – 8.00pm

Conversations with the Principal

Boardroom (Old Loyola)

The booking form for these sessions may be accessed by CLICKING HERE

In addition, the College will also run a second-hand uniform sale (2.00pm – 6pm) for families wishing to purchase extra items of uniform. This will occur in the Two Wolves Hub area.

We look forward to seeing you at this evening.

School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council (SAC) provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount.” (SAC Terms of Reference)

The SAC is primarily composed of parents, alongside the involvement of the Principal, Business Manager, and Father Steve Rigo (Custodian of Mission). Additionally, a staff representative attends SAC meetings annually. Typically, the council convenes for six to seven evening meetings each year.

At the conclusion of each academic year, we invite interested parents to submit expressions of interest for membership in the Loyola College School Advisory Council. Last year, we received applications from three parents, and I am pleased to announce the new members who will join the School Advisory Council for 2025.

  1. John Perizzolo
  2. Angela Rogers
  3. Jade Scibilia

Each year, a member of the Loyola College staff represents the staff body at the School Advisory Council. This year, I am pleased to announce that Mrs Jacqui Di Stefano, Head of Visual Arts, will take on this responsibility.

Complaints or Concerns

Loyola College is committed to building a school community that features positive and respectful relationships. Within our school, relationships are founded in the gospel values of justice, compassion, reconciliation, and kindness. Such relationships support the learning and development of students and value the innate dignity of each person. It is important that each member of the community, including staff, parents, and students, are contributors to the building of the school community. A timely and professional response to complaints is an effective means of encouraging communication, building trust, and resolving issues for the betterment of all concerned.

Loyola College understands that from time-to-time concerns arise regarding aspects of our school’s operation of programs and activities and that it is important that all members of the community have the opportunity to be heard. Loyola College commits to ensuring procedural fairness is observed when dealing with complaints and grievances.

The nature of the complaint will determine who is the most appropriate person or body to manage the concerns raised. In having specific concerns/complaints addressed we recommend that initial contact be made with the relevant College personnel in the order below:

Curriculum Matters:

Subject Teacher, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

Student’s Academic Progress:

Subject Teacher, Academic Companion, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Student Wellbeing Matters:

Mentor Teacher, Head of House, Head of Student Services, Deputy Principal - Students

Co-Curriculum Matters:

Activity Facilitator, Head of Co-Curriculum

General Student Behaviour:

Deputy Principal – Students/Director of Students

College Policies:

Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance

Off Campus Incidents (in/out of College Hours):

Deputy Principal - Students


Mentor Teacher, Head of House, Deputy Principal Students


Business Manager

Child Safety:

Child Safety Officers: Deputy Principal - Students (Mrs Anna Salmic)

Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance (Mr Paul Toney)

Swimming Carnival

We extend our best wishes to our students as they participate in the annual House Swimming Carnival today (Friday, 14 March), competing for House points. This event marks the first major House competition of the year and offers many of our new Year 7 students the opportunity to represent their House for the first time. Our House-based pastoral care system is designed to foster a sense of belonging among all students, both within their House and in the broader school community. The swimming carnival serves as an excellent opportunity for students to connect with one another, develop their skills, and strengthen their ties to the community.

Best of luck to all Houses!