Ignatian Newsletter: 2024-Edition #8

Teaching & Learning

Written by
Kathryn Wilson
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning

Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs):

Thank you to all parents / guardians for attending the Parent Teacher Interviews. We hope they were meaningful and worthwhile, and provided feedback on your child’s learning and wellbeing, together with strategies to support future progress.

Semester One Examinations:
Following a review of the 2023 examination processes and procedures, it was agreed that Semester one examinations will only involve Years 9 and 10.

Year 8 & 11 will only have end of year examinations. The reasons for this decision was to better prepare our Year 11 students for their VCE examinations. Year 11 examinations will now replicate the Year 12 examination structure. In terms of Year 8, we now have a smoother and more fluent transition from Year 7 (no examinations) to Year 9 (two examinations).

Dates for Year 9 and 10 examinations:

• Year 10 Exams: 19 - 27 June
• Year 9 Exams: 25 - 27 June

Year 9 - Application for Accelerated Subjects in 2025 Unit 1/2:
Whilst invitations and applications are not expected until Term 3, I thought it prudent to provide an overview to the community, as the invitation to Year 9 students is based on their Semester 1 assessment results. As a result, they only have the remainder of Term 2 to meet the criteria.

Overview for 2024 Year 9 students:

Acceleration requires demonstrated consistent high academic achievement and an ability to take on the demands of an accelerated subject. Therefore, a student will need to be committed to their studies, be well organised and able to meet deadlines.

Stages of the Acceleration Process:

1. Letter of invite from the Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning to those students who meet the desired criteria of 5As (5 x 80%) (one of which has to be English) (75% for Enhanced / CLIL students)
2. Completion of Application Form
3. Completion of Acceleration Test
4. Invitation for a brief interview by the relevant Head of Learning
5. Students and parents informed of the outcome by Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning.

Students have been informed of this process at the beginning of the year.