Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #1

ICT News

Written by
Victor Dalla-Vecchia
ICT Manager

Digital Devices Program

The purpose of digital devices is to give students access to the Internet, webmail and Companion Learning (LMS), which allows students to submit homework/assessments online. Students are also able to use printing services and access work from and save work to their 1 Tb Office 365/One Drive for Business Cloud space from their Drives tab on the LMS.

Digital Devices for Years 7 – 9 students

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are only permitted to have a Microsoft Surface Laptop. Devices must be purchased from the mandated supplier, Centorrino Technologies (ct.com.au/Loyola), which processes warranty and accidental damage claims on Microsoft’s behalf. The software on these devices is managed by the ICT Department and includes the System Bundle:

o InTune Mobile Device Management

o FortiClient anti-virus

o Microsoft Office 365

o Adobe Create Cloud

Please note: Microsoft, under its Terms and Conditions, enforces a $110 (incl. GST) charge for every claim made for Accidental Damage, and it also enforces a strict interpretation of what constitutes ‘accidental damage’. Intentional damage is not covered under the terms of Microsoft’s policy, which includes engraving the student’s name on the laptop. A sticky label could be used, instead. Note that ownership of the device is identified by the device’s serial number.

• Digital devices for Years 10 – 12 students

Year 10 to 12 students are required to use an approved digital device (Choose Your Own Device, CYOD) from the following list:


• Windows Notebook or Surface Device

• Windows 10 or later

• Core i5 Processor or greater

• Minimum 8Gb Memory (RAM)

• Wireless Network Card with AC (5Ghz)


• Apple Macbook (VA students) or Macbook Air (not recommended for Visual Arts students, unless it has the M2/3 chip)

• Apple OSX Mavericks or later

• Core i8 Processor or greater

• Minimum 8Gb Memory (RAM)

• 2013 model or later

Note that Android and Linux devices / operating systems are not supported on the College’s ICT infrastructure.

Recommendations for CYOD

Anti-Virus: This should be installed and kept up to date. Parents/guardians who are interested in purchasing FortiClient Anti-Virus and Web Filtering (same technology that is deployed in Years 7 to 9 devices), are asked to register their interest with the ICT Helpdesk (iCentre-ICT@loyola.vic.edu.au).

Warranty/Care: It is highly recommended that the device is maintained under warranty and that consideration is also given to protecting the device from physical damage.

Support: Please bear in mind that as the device is parent owned, Loyola College is not responsible for diagnosing hardware issues with the device, repairing the device or replacing the device should it be lost or destroyed.

Note that parents/guardians are responsible for dealing with any warranty/damage issues with the device.

Microsoft Office 365 (www.office.com) and Adobe Creative Cloud (www.adobe.com) licences are provided by Loyola College, linked to each student’s Loyola email address. The ICT Helpdesk (iCentre-ICT@loyola.vic.edu.au) can provide Office and Adobe application support for your device.

For ICT Support, email iCentre-ICT@loyola.vic.edu.au.