Ignatian Newsletter: 2024 - Edition #9

Ignatian Newsletter

Principal's Report

Written by
Alison Leutchford
Acting Principal

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of week seven! How quickly time flies. The end of Term Two is in sight. Of note, exams commence for Year 10 students on Wednesday 19 June and for Year 9 students on Tuesday 25 June. It is important that students are revising for these examinations. Regular steady revision is always better than late night cramming before an exam. Parents are encouraged to check in with students to ensure that good study schedules are in place.

While students in the other year levels do not do exams, the last few weeks of Term Two will require commitment to studies as they submit assessment tasks.

ACS Athletics Championships

On Monday 20 May, eighty students took the bus to compete in the annual ACS Athletics championships. While the rain put the program behind schedule, it was wonderful to see so many Loyola students giving of their best. Loyola came sixth out of seven schools. It was affirming to see students stepping up to help when events needed to be filled. Loyola College is at its strongest when individuals work as a team, focussing on what is good for the whole rather than an individual approach. 

Weekly ACS Sport

A reminder to all parents that ACS Sport is compulsory for all students at the College until the end of Term Three in Year 11. Parents are asked to schedule appointments outside of this weekly afternoon commitment. We increasingly have students wanting to sign out early and avoid sport. This leaves teams in a precarious position.

It is important to remember that being part of a team requires commitment from all individuals. When a student does not attend, extra pressure is placed on teammates. Being part of a team, working together for a common goal, builds a sense of connection and belonging, which in turns builds resilience. Thinking of others is a fundamental tenet to developing a positive mindset. Focussing inwards on individual needs can lead to rumination and anxiety.

Challenging and supporting students to do something they perhaps would prefer not to do builds strength and grit. Students grow when they navigate challenge.

Finally, regular exercise is fundamental to physical fitness and mental health. Many of our Year 12 leaders reflect on their time at the College and the fun they had with the friends through the weekly sport program. I hope to see improved participation and effort with ACS Sport across Term Three.

 Complaints or Concerns

Loyola College is committed to building a school community that features positive and respectful relationships. Within our school, relationships are founded in the gospel values of justice, compassion, reconciliation, and kindness. Such relationships support the learning and development of students and value the innate dignity of each person. It is important that all members of the community, including staff, parents, and students, are contributors to the building of the school community. A timely and professional response to complaints is an effective means of encouraging communication, building trust, and resolving issues for the betterment of all concerned.

Loyola College understands that from time-to-time complaints arise regarding aspects of our school’s operation of programs and activities and that it is important that all members of the community have the opportunity to be heard. Loyola College commits to ensuring procedural fairness is observed when dealing with complaints and grievances. 

Who to Contact to Make a Complaint
The nature of the complaint will determine who is the most appropriate person or body to manage the concerns raised. In having specific concerns/complaints addressed, we recommend that initial contact be made with the relevant College personnel in the order below:

Curriculum MattersSubject Teacher, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Student’s Academic ProgressSubject Teacher, Academic Companion, Head of Learning, Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Student Wellbeing MattersMentor Teacher, Head of House, Head of Student Services, Deputy Principal - Students
Co-Curriculum MattersActivity Facilitator, Head of Co-Curriculum
General Student BehaviourDeputy Principal - Students
College PoliciesDirector of College & Community Engagement, Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance
Off Campus Incidents
(in/out of College Hours)
Deputy Principal - Students
UniformMentor Teacher, Head of House, Deputy Principal - Students
FinancialBusiness Manager
Child SafetyChild Safety Officers: Deputy Principal - Students & Deputy Principal - Staff and Compliance

Student Safety at the Bungay Street Crossing

We are very grateful to council for the provision of a new crossing in Bungay Street. In the interests of keeping all students safe and enabling traffic flow, parents are reminded of the following road laws:

  •  The yellow dotted lines on either side of the crossing are no standing areas at the times specified on the signage
  • Cars are permitted to pull over to pick up students on the College side of Bungay Street. We ask that parents do not stop on the other sides as this impedes the flow of traffic
  • Parents are asked not to stop on or at the crossing to pick up students.

The Grimshaw Street parent drop-off zone continues to be a bottleneck. We ask that parents drive as far down into the zone as possible before stopping. Parents are also reminded that, as they exit onto Grimshaw Street, there is no right turn.

We ask for parents' support in all these matters.

Banyule Council does check these areas periodically and we would hate for any of our families to be fined for breaching the road rules. Equally, I am sure that all members of our community value the safety and wellbeing of our students and will take all measures to ensure that no one is hurt.

King’s Birthday Weekend

A reminder to all parents that Monday 10 June is a public holiday and as such a student free day. I trust the long weekend will give families and students a restful break sojourn from the busyness of Term Two.

Nilumbik Youth Summit

Written by
Christina Sudano
Student Leadership Coordinator

On Wednesday 22nd May, Loyola College students Amber Alcock 9FFCH, Xavier Dal Cin 9MJBR (YKS), Jessica Di Pasquale 9CMSA, Giuliano Frisina 9MJLI, Emma Nguyen 9MCMS, Patrick Quinn 9CMSA, Alana Raffo 9MGAO, Clarissa Stathopoulos 9MJMM, and Blake Wheeler 9FADB attended the Nillumbik Youth Summit at Eltham Community and Reception Centre with seven other local and surrounding secondary schools. 

The purpose of this annual summit is to bring together young people, aged 12-25, to discuss issues they are passionate about - such as climate change and sustainability, mental health, gender equity, employment and training, racism and diversity, alcohol and vaping, and bullying - and to voice what change the council could be implementing in the community. 

Students did have the opportunity to voice their ideas to local MPs, councillors, council staff, and local services staff by the conclusion of the summit. 

Our students found this day invaluable and offered the following thoughts:

I'm actually really happy I came here. It's been so productive!

I've enjoyed that everyone has had an opportunity to connect, and that the different topics we've discussed have sprung lots of opinions from everyone.

I like that the thoughts I've put into the discussions are actually going to be heard, and it's not just me saying things without a purpose.

It's been great to see how passionate everybody is about different topics. It's been good, too, that everyone can just talk freely about their opinions on them without judgement.

I've found that everyone's opinions are really diverse, and they are impactful. Everyone is very knowledgeable!

It was good to be a voice! It was also very interesting to hear about the problems of young people today.

Teaching & Learning

Written by
Kathryn Wilson
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning


Semester One Examinations
Following a review of the 2023 examination processes and procedures, it was agreed that Semester One examinations will only involve Years 9 and 10.

Dates for Year 9 and 10 examinations:

  • Year 10 Exams: 19 - 27 June
  • Year 9 Exams: 25 - 27 June
Term 3 Upcoming Events

Term 3 will be an extremely busy term, including:

  • Two sets of reports: end of Semester One and mid Semester Two
  • One Parent Teacher Interview
  • Subject Selection for 2025

In order to prepare you for the anticipated busyness, please find a summary below:


  • End of Semester Reports will be available to parents / carers through the portal from 29 July
  • Mid Semester Reports will be available to parents / carers through the portal towards the end of Term 3.

Parent Teacher Interview:
A reminder that our Parent Teacher Interview will take place on 21 & 22 August.

The purpose of these Conversations is to discuss the learning that has occurred in Term Two and, in particular, look at the academic successes and challenges that your child may have encountered so far this year.

        Subject Selection 2025
        The Subject Selection Process begins in Term 3, Week 4. This will be an extremely busy time of the year for all students, staff and parents, including Year Level Assemblies, a Senior Subject Selection Evening and Web Preferences becoming available.

        Please find a summary of the main events:

        • Student Assemblies: Week 4
        • Senior Subject Selection Evening: 13 August 6pm – 8pm: This year, the evening will take on a slightly different feel compared to previous years.
          o It will be face to face and will take place in the MPAC.
          o Universities will be available in the foyer for students to meet and discuss future pathways.
          o VTAC presentation will be available to parents and students.
          o Subject Selection Information will be presented for parents and students in Years 9-11.
        • Web Preferences open: evening 13 August

        Subject Selection Conversations: During the Subject Selection Process, all current Year 9 and 10 students will meet with a member of the Learning Pathways Team. Students are provided with a copy of their career plan and are strongly encouraged to discuss their Learning Pathways conversation with you.

        VCE VM Students - Investing in our Future
        I would like to share an email the College has received from EnerSys, who are facilitating the Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) for one of our VCE VM students. We are extremely proud of the student and wish him every success in this very promising career.

        “I am writing to let you know how thankful I am for ‘student’ joining us as part of the structured workplace learning placement.

        From the moment ‘student’ joined us, he has been nothing short of impressive. His respectful demeanour, good manners, and diligent work ethic have not gone unnoticed. He has integrated seamlessly into our team, contributing positively and showing a genuine eagerness to learn.

        The structured workplace learning placement is an invaluable initiative, it aligns perfectly with our commitment to nurturing the next generation of skilled professionals. By guiding students like ‘student’ towards apprenticeships, we are not only investing in their future but also strengthening the industry as a whole.

        We are delighted to have ‘student’ with us. His presence has been good for our team, and it is heartening to see a young individual so dedicated and hardworking. He is indeed a good student, and we are happy to be part of his journey.

        Thank you once again for this wonderful collaboration. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting more students in their pursuit of excellence.”

        Ignatian Mission & Identity

        Written by
        Adam Calderone
        Deputy Principal, Ignatian Mission and Identity


        On Monday 3 June, we celebrate Flynn House Day. Reflecting on The Very Reverend John Flynn's life, and his connection to Flynn House at our College, reveals a profound alignment of values and ideals between Flynn's legacy and the educational and community-focused mission of the College. This connection not only honours Flynn's contributions to Australian society, but also serves as an enduring inspiration for the students and staff of Flynn House.

        John Flynn's legacy is defined by his pioneering spirit and unwavering commitment to improving the lives of people in remote areas. His establishment of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) stands as a monumental achievement in providing accessible healthcare to isolated communities. Flynn's innovative use of technology and his ability to mobilise resources and support for a greater cause resonate deeply within the context of Loyola College.

        Flynn House at Loyola College embodies the principles that John Flynn championed throughout his life: service, innovation, and community. Named in his honour, Flynn House encourages students to embrace these values in their daily lives and academic pursuits. The house system in schools often aims to foster a sense of belonging, teamwork, and healthy competition, mirroring Flynn's own efforts to build cohesive, supportive communities in the Australian outback.

        The connection between John Flynn and Flynn House at Loyola College serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring impact of Flynn's work. By embodying his values of service, innovation, and community, Flynn House not only pays tribute to his legacy but also inspires students to carry forward his spirit of compassion and ingenuity. In this way, Flynn's influence continues to shape and enrich the lives of future generations, ensuring that his contributions to society are remembered and celebrated.

        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Identity & Mission Flynn


        On Saturday 25 May, eleven students and two staff were lucky enough to participate in The Long Walk and Dreamtime at the ‘G. This year marks the 20th anniversary of Michael Long’s initiative that allows the community to walk in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, so that we can show our commitment to a fairer and more just society and bring attention to the plight of many Indigenous communities in Australia, who often go without the basics that we would expect in our country.

        As a College, we will continue to support this wonderful cause into the future as well as conducting our own Long Walk Home with our feeder primary schools each June. This year, we are fortunate to have Eddie Betts as a keynote speaker and I look forward to reporting on this in our next Ignatian.

        Athletics Report 2024

        Written by
        Jacqueline Wade
        Director of Sport

        On Monday 20 May, the ACS Athletics Championships were held at Lakeside Stadium. After a delayed start due to rain, the competition finally got underway.

        In challenging conditions, our athletes showed incredible determination and resilience to give their best. The new uniforms and running spikes were a standout on the track!

        The day began well with an impressive show of grit and determination from Noah Caruana (8KDJD) in the 1500m. He paced himself well throughout the race holding onto the leading pack. As the group led into the final back straight, competitors started to pull away, but Noah did not give up. Coming out of the back straight he picked up his pace and had chased down two. As he came out of the bend and into the final 100m, he set himself for one final push. It took the length of the straight to catch the next runner, but he got him right on the line! A very impressive 4th place finish set the tone for the day.

        There were some amazing individual efforts across the board. Daniel Crockford (10CJBO) broke another ACS record in the shotput and finished first in the discus. Jobe Douglas (10CAMA) had podium finishes in all his track events, including first place in the hurdles. The Year 10 boys team led by Jobe and Daniel finished second overall, missing first place by just one point!

        Our Year 7 students made a fantastic debut. Led by Alfie Rowley (7FAJO) finishing 1st in his 100m and 200m events, Evie Smith (7FSKE) dominated with a 1st in the hurdles and 200m. Alannah Fernando (7FFCH) ran an outstanding 400m. Blasting out of the blocks, she led by 30m coming out of the back straight. Our allocated outside lane allowed the other athletes to close the gap around the bend, but Alannah was too strong. With 50m to go she was challenged as the gap closed but found another gear to kick away and take the win.

        The Year 9 team also provided highlights throughout the day. Jack Lapenta (9CLCR) finishing 1st in shot put and David Calabro (9ATMV) came 3rd in discus. On the track, Talia Carter (9CMSA), Elizabeth Kotowski (9FJDS) and Michael Denni (9KJCU) all ran extremely well in their sprints, finishing 2nd.

        At Year 8 level, Emmerson Thomas (8CSVR) led the way, finishing 1st in the shot put, and was supported by her teammates on the track with Lucas Mao (8XBAM) finishing 3rd in the 100m and Marco Vecchi (8CVCA) 2nd in the 100m and 200m.

        Our Athletics captain, Kiera Sanchez (12XJBE), completed her clean sweep of the shot put, finishing 1st in every shot-put event from Year 7 through to Year 12, setting records along the way. An outstanding 2nd place in the discus completed Kiera’s ACS Athletics career, one that will take some beating.

        Our Year 11 team's willingness to step up on the day to fill events was impressive to see. Led by captain Will Hand (11AMJT), Abbey Mills (11CMST), Mackenzie Thomas (11CAMA) and Brydie Hutchinson (11XAKW), they competed in every event possible to ensure we remained competitive throughout the day. Their commitment to the College and team is a benchmark students should aspire to.

        A huge thank you goes to Alasdair O’Brien who was head coach, assisted by Brodie Car, for running all the early morning training sessions, and the organisation on the day of filling events and making sure everyone was where they needed to be.

        NCCD Information

        Written by
        Student Services

        The Learning Diversity teaching team is currently collating student data for the purpose of our annual funding submission in support of students with disability. Some information issued by Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) can be found in the attached document at the bottom of this article. With our midyear exam period approaching, families with children in Years 9 and 10 case managed by Student Services can also expect an invitation to attend their Semester 1/Term 2 Program Support Group meeting to ensure appropriate provisions are in place.

        For those in the community who may be investigating a diagnosis such as ADHD, ASD or a Generalised Anxiety Disorder for your child and require teacher input into this action, the College has some processes in place to ensure this is done uniformly and fairly. Accuracy of information gathering, and the time teachers must take to complete lengthy questionnaires and screeners needs to be co-ordinated. We request, therefore, any documentation shared by an external specialist for diagnostic purposes be sent to the Head of Student Services at husseyk@loyola.vic.edu.au This will be followed up with further contact and the screeners disseminated to the appropriate, agreeable staff members before being forwarded directly to the treating external professional.

        Please do not directly approach subject teachers with questionnaires or screeners relating to your child’s presentation in class. It is very important for the department that oversees student support be aware of those undergoing a diagnostic process in order to initiate adjustments and supports efficiently and accurately.

        Nccd parent fact sheet

        Written by
        Shannon Staub
        Head of Co-curriculum

        Mid-Year Co-curriculum Colours

        Co-Curriculum Colours are awarded twice per year – in June and December.

        Students who achieve Colours are recognised for their qualities of active participation, team spirit, positive conduct, goodwill and co-operation in a particular area of College Co-curricular life.

        Last week, students in Years 10-12 were invited to apply for Colours up until Wednesday 5 June in the following categories:

        • Christian Service
        • Drama
        • Music
        • Public Speaking and Debating
        • Sport
        • House.

        If you think your child is eligible for Co-curriculum Colours, please encourage them to check the criteria and apply before 5 June.

        Sustainability Week

        In an effort to encourage students to think and act on the how their actions will impact the future of our beautiful planet, the College celebrated Sustainability Week last week. 

        A number of student-centred activities were on offer, including upcycling used food tins by painting and planting in them, a screening of WALL-E with a sustainable popcorn snack, and a ‘Free Thrift Stall’ clothing exchange with free vegan cupcakes on Friday. 

        Thank you to Sean Adi-Purnomo 12AMJT, Maya Ilievski 11ATMV and Ryan Marchbank 11FECG, who assisted in planning the week.

        Intercultural Perspectives

        Written by
        Julianne Cummins
        Intercultural Perspectives Coordinator

        On Friday 24th May, I had the honour of attending the funeral of Norm Jurrawaa Stanley.

        Many of our current senior students, staff and alumni will have fond memories of Norm from the Year 9 Rites of Passage Coastal Walk which he addressed for many years, generously sharing his wisdom. He was a proud Kurnai-Wotjobaluk warrior and a renowned artist and musician. 

        Attended by hundreds, his funeral was a beautiful tribute to a great man admired and loved by so many mob and people beyond his own community. For many of our students, he opened their eyes to Indigenous Australia and sparked a curiosity and a different way of seeing Country.

        May his spirit rest in peace.

        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Intercultural Perspectives Norm Stanley

        Respectful Relationships

        Written by
        Fotini Veis
        Acting Wellbeing and Personal Development Coordintor

        Fostering a nurturing environment of respectful relationships within your family holds the key to not only harmonious living, but also improved academic outcomes for your children. As parents and caregivers, embracing the art of teaching children about respect at a young age sets the stage for a lifetime of healthy interactions and empathetic understanding. It will help cultivate a positive environment where communication flourishes, conflicts are resolved constructively, and bonds are fortified.

        Teaching children to respect themselves and others will open up avenues for both personal growth and academic achievement. Fostering an environment where respect is not just a word, but a practiced behaviour, will empower young people with essential life skills. Effective communication, active listening, and the art of compromise will provide your child with a solid foundation that will transcend family interactions and help them collaborate effectively with peers, teachers and the broader community.

        Equipping children with an understanding of healthy versus unhealthy relationships is an important aspect of their development. It will guide them to make informed choices, foster positive connections, and set boundaries that contribute to their emotional wellbeing. Understanding the nuances between healthy and unhealthy relationships provides children with the essential tools to navigate their social world, build self-esteem, and cultivate meaningful relationships.

        In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how to empower young people in healthy interactions to embrace differences and forge connections that honour their self-worth. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.

        Here is the link to the Respectful Relationships edition of SchoolTV


        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Respectful Relationships

        General Achievement Test (GAT)

        Written by
        Dominic Denton
        Year 10-12 Programs Coordinator

        The 2024 General Achievement Test (GAT) will take place on Tuesday 18 June. All students enrolled in a Unit 3 and 4 VCE/VCE-VM Sequence will sit the GAT. Timetabled Unit 3 and 4 classes will not run on this day.

        The GAT is in 2 parts:

        • Section A (9:00am-11:15am) assesses skills in literacy and numeracy (all Unit 3 and 4 VCE/VCE-VM students must attend).

        • Section B (1:15pm-3:00pm) assesses general knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities (Unit 3 and 4 VCE students only).

        The GAT is a pen-and-paper test of general knowledge and skills taken by students in the course of completing their senior secondary studies. The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level.

        No special study is needed. Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.

        Year 12 students will receive information on the GAT in their upcoming Personal Development lesson on June 11th period 5. Year 11 accelerated students will also attend this lesson.

        For more information on the GAT please click the link below:

        vcaa.vic.edu.au/Documents/GAT/2024GATBrochure.pdf" target="_blank">General Achievement Test 2024 Information for Students (vcaa.vic.edu.au)

        Student Voice

        Written by
        Loyola College Committee

        Xavier House

        This year has been a sensational beginning to Xavier House’s many successes. So far, we have had an amazing amount of participation from all students and continue to strive for future achievements within our house.

        We started Term One with the Summer Reading Challenge as we recorded the highest books read at 108! What an amazing way to start off the year placing 1st! 

        Our Swimming Carnival saw Xavier House place 1st and we could not be prouder! We thank the efforts of every single person who helped us to get that win, as it was so rewarding to see the smiles on all the kids' and teachers' faces. Win or lose, we couldn’t be happier with all the students getting involved and having fun.

        We also had House Eisteddfod during Term One, where we placed 4th. With the countless rehearsals, meetings, and the senior students helping us, we definitely created a performance for students to shine on the stage, smile and have fun.

        During Term Two, Xavier House shone on, placing 1st at Athletics for the first time in history! The participation was amazing as so many students got on the track to eventually get us yet another win. We were astounded by everyone who got involved. We couldn’t be prouder of our house in these first two terms and are incredibly grateful for all the efforts put in. 

        A big thank you goes to our Head of House, Mr. Sean Simpson! We are so eternally grateful for his enthusiasm towards Xavier House’s triumphs, and his continued support to each and every student's education at Loyola College. Thank you for sharing such incredible achievements with us and actively participating in making Xavier House a community for all!

        We cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds for Xavier and in any situation, we just want everyone to give it their best efforts and try our hardest.

        Go Xavier!

        Student of the Fortnight

        We would like to award student of the fortnight to Year 10 student Lucia Calderone (10XEJS) who has been an outstanding
        participant for both Loyola College and Xavier House throughout this year. In House Swimming, Lucia finished 1st place in the
        50m Freestyle, Backstroke and Breaststroke, and was an important part of our relay teams as well. Not only has she gone
        above and beyond, but still continues to triumph off the track and in the classroom. Lucia is also a representative for the ACS
        sports in which she has competed throughout this year. In House Athletics, Lucia took part in the triple jump where she
        finished 1st, as well as finishing 2nd in long jump, 100m, 400m, and 800m. What a super star! We still remain astounded by the
        skill and craft she has displayed during Terms One and Two. Her determination and willingness to help others does not go
        unnoticed. We are so proud of her and hope other students in Xavier House will be inspired by her achievements

        Olivia Di Girolamo (12XJAR) & Jessica Bryson (12XAKW)

        Xavier House Captains

        Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Assistance

        Written by
        Darrin Day
        Business Manager


        The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) offered by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families by reducing the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities, included in the Loyola fees, has been increased to $250 annually.

        Families that hold a valid means-tested concession card such as a Health Care Card or Pension Card, temporary foster parents as well as asylum seeker and refugee families may be eligible for the CSEF payment.

        Please click here to access the CSEF application form or contact the school office to obtain a copy. For queries regarding eligibility, contact our Finance Department on 9433 0752.

        ICT News

        Written by
        Victor Dalla-Vecchia
        ICT Manager

        Cybersafety Part 6: Cyberbullying

        Dear parents/guardians, if you are aware of your child’s online activities and you provide guidance as they navigate their online world, studies have shown that your child is far less likely to be involved in risky online behaviour.

        Note this: The Internet offers us powerful search, sharing and collaborating opportunities, but also bestows on us an enormous responsibility.

        In this edition we’ll be looking at Cyberbullying, focussing on two aspects.

        Aspect 1: True story – this could be your daughter, or son:

        It was the start of the school year and students were keen to catch up with their friends and talk about what they did over the holidays. It was also an opportunity to make new friends. Two particular Year 11 girls became friends and started hanging out together and became quite close. So trusting did they become of each other that they revealed to each other their email and Facebook passwords. After a while however, their friendship cooled somewhat and they started spending more time with their other friends.

        One morning one of the girls arrived at school only to find that certain students, some she knew and some she didn’t know, seemed to be looking at her strangely and whispering things about her to each other. Her usual friends started finding excuses for not spending time with her. She did not understand why this was happening. A short time later she went onto Facebook and found, to her horror, that people, including her friends and even strangers, were posting hate messages directed to her. It was then she realised what had happened. The ex-best friend must have logged in as her on Facebook and posted some very personal stuff about her, some true and some lies, but all very personal details she would never have posted herself.

        She also started getting hate emails and mobile phone texts, messages that made her feel very upset, very angry and even depressed. She changed her password. Eventually she confronted the girl about it, who in turn posted messages on her own Facebook page denying that she was the author of the offensive content. But the hate messages kept coming. She cancelled her Facebook, cancelled her mobile phone contract, but it was too late. The damage had been done. Most of her former friends now kept away from her. Only one or two remained, but things were never the same again.

        Aspect 2: Cyberbullies, be warned: you may be prosecuted!

        Under Commonwealth legislation it is an offence to use a ‘carriage service’ (e.g. mobile phone) to menace, harass or cause offence, which covers cyberbullying (s474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995). For more information, please refer to the Parent Guide on Cyberbullying and Sexting Laws.

        In recent years courts around the world, including Australia, have successfully prosecuted cyberbullies.

        In Conclusion:

        What can your child do to prevent Cyberbullying?
        1. If the abuse happens on a social networking website, use the report abuse link to have offensive content removed.
        2. If the abuse happens on media broadcast sites such as YouTube, use the ‘inappropriate’ flag to register a complaint.
        3. If the abuse happens on email, you can usually block content coming from the offending email address.
        4. If the abuse happens on a mobile phone, contact the telecommunication carrier or the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman to have the known numbers blocked. You may also call Crime Stoppers Victoria.
        5. Don’t respond to Cyberbullying; it only escalates. Instead, save the content as evidence and tell a trusted friend/adult.
        6. Finally, never give out your personal details or your passwords to anybody, no matter how much you think you can trust them.

        If your child is concerned about any of these issues and wishes to discuss them with a trusted person at school, please encourage them to talk to their Mentor teacher, Head of House or School Counsellor. For more information on eSafety visit The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner. Complaints about general content on the Internet can be made through its Complaints and Reporting link.

        Music In The Round

        Written by
        Antonella Dalla-Vecchia
        Music Program Coordinator

        We are excited to announce the return of our ‘Music In The Round’ concert for its second year on Monday, 3 June at 7pm. This unique format will feature all music students enrolled in our Music Program, giving them a special opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Please make sure you mark this date in your diaries.

        The evening will kick off in the Inigo Theatre and then the students and their family and friends will transition to designated locations within the school where you will enjoy the solo performances of our music students.

        We can’t wait to see you there to celebrate their musical talents and show your support.

        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Music In The Round flyer

        Loyola Music Program

        Loyola students have been cordially invited to join our Music Program in Semester 2. If you’re not already enrolled, we encourage you to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to receive one-on-one private music lessons from our expert Music Tutors.

        Our qualified Music Tutors will guide you in developing your musicianship, building confidence and preparing you to perform professionally on stage. You’ll have the chance to learn new skills, create lasting memories and connect with like-minded students who share your passion for music.

        To access our Music Program forms, please click on this link or the image below. If you have any questions, please contact our Music Program Co-ordinator via email on music@loyola.vic.edu.au. We look forward to welcoming you to our vibrant music community.

        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Join Our Music Program

        Community Engagement

        Written by
        Monica Agius
        College & Community Engagement Assistant

        LPFA Winery Tour: A Memorable Day in Red Hill

        On Saturday, 25th May, the LPFA community boarded the bus and embarked on the annual winery tour in the picturesque Red Hill region. Our adventure included visits to three exceptional wineries, tasting a selection of fine wines. Each winery offered a unique experience, and the glorious weather added to the experience.

        The tour also included a delightful stop at a local dairy, where we sampled an array of delicious cheeses. The culinary journey didn't end there; we concluded our tour at a brewery/distillery in Mornington, enjoying handcrafted beers and gin that showcased the best of local craftsmanship.

        A special thank you goes to Loretta Baker for her fantastic efforts in organizing the games and raffle prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day. Thank you also to Mark Monteneri who brilliantly MC'd the event and kept everyone entertained with engaging games on the bus and at each stop. The games and friendly chatter made the travel between venues as enjoyable as the destinations themselves. A special thank you to Clark McEvoy who ensured everybody on board was comfortable and had an enjoyable bus ride.

        Finally, a heartfelt thanks to Liz Karanfilovska and Des Mavridis for their meticulous planning and coordination of the venues. Their hard work ensured a smooth and memorable experience for all participants. The LPFA winery tour was once again an enormous success, bringing our community closer together while celebrating the best of Red Hill's offerings.

        2024 Entertainment Guide

        Ignatian 2024: Edition #9 Community Engagement Entertainment logo

        Support LPFA fundraising efforts and enjoy hundreds of everyday savings!

        Entertainment Guide is the easy to use App packed with incredible savings of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, so you can save on takeaway, dining, shopping, groceries, gift cards, activities and more! And what’s more, 20% of every membership purchased via the following link goes towards supporting the College through the Loyola Parents and Friends Association (LPFA)

        Digital memberships can be purchased HERE

        Elite Performance Grant

        The Loyola Friends and Parents Association (LPFA), generously support young achievers in their pursuit of elite Sport or Performing Arts each year at the College. Students are given the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $500.00 to put towards their travel expenses and costs for a major competition in which they are competing. Students can apply for this grant at any time of the year. There are four sporting grants available.
        For more information about this grant please contact Monica Agius at community@loyola.vic.edu.au or 9433 0228.